rhevm-iso-uploader using the nfs method fails to upload the iso file in the ISO domain

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3


  • Upload fails with below error messages:
# rhevm-iso-uploader --nfs-server=test.test.example.com:/rhev/lab/iso upload /mnt/iso/open-source/linux/red-hat/rhev_beta/rhevh-6.2-20111010.2.iso

ERROR: /mnt/iso/open-source/linux/red-hat/rhev_beta/rhevh-6.2-20111010.2.iso exists on test.test.example.com.  Either remove it or supply the --force option to overwrite it.
  • Using the --force option is also not working, it throws below errors
# rhevm-iso-uploader --force --nfs-server=test.test.example.com:/rhev/lab/iso upload /mnt/iso/open-source/linux/red-hat/rhev_beta/rhevh-6.2-20111010.2.iso  
ERROR: Unable to copy /mnt/iso/open-source/linux/red-hat/rhev_beta/rhevh-6.2-20111010.2.iso to ISO storage domain on test.test.example.com:/rhev/lab/iso.
ERROR: Error message is "local variable 'id' referenced before assignment" <<
  • rhevm-iso-uploader throws the error message that iso already exits on ISO storage domain. But as per RHEV-Manager ISO is absent.

  • The option --iso-domain also does not work. Get the following verbose error on specifying the --verbose parameter:

# rhevm-iso-uploader --verbose --user=admin@internal --iso-domain=ISO upload test.iso
Please provide the REST API password for the admin@internal RHEV-M user (CTRL+D to abort): 
DEBUG: URL is https://rhevm.example.com:8443/api/storagedomains?search=name%3DISO
DEBUG: Returned XML is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <storage_domain id="1e804c54-068c-4dc2-89af-577b0660c910" href="/api/storagedomains/1e804c54-068c-4dc2-89af-577b0660c910">
        <link rel="permissions" href="/api/storagedomains/1e804c54-068c-4dc2-89af-577b0660c910/permissions"/>
        <link rel="files" href="/api/storagedomains/1e804c54-068c-4dc2-89af-577b0660c910/files"/>

DEBUG: id=1e804c54-068c-4dc2-89af-577b0660c910 address= path=/exports/iso
DEBUG: local NFS mount point is /tmp/tmpR4jDu8
DEBUG: NFS mount command (/bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,sync,soft /tmp/tmpR4jDu8)
DEBUG: /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,sync,soft /tmp/tmpR4jDu8
DEBUG: _cmds(['/bin/mount', '-t', 'nfs', '-o', 'rw,sync,soft', '', '/tmp/tmpR4jDu8'])
DEBUG: returncode(0)
ERROR: rhevh-6.2-20120423.1.iso exists on  Either remove it or supply the --force option to overwrite it.
DEBUG: /bin/umount -t nfs -f  /tmp/tmpR4jDu8
DEBUG: /bin/umount -t nfs -f  /tmp/tmpR4jDu8
DEBUG: _cmds(['/bin/umount', '-t', 'nfs', '-f', '/tmp/tmpR4jDu8'])
DEBUG: returncode(0)


  • As a possible workaround, try the following:
# rhevm-iso-uploader -u joe@a.example.com \
           --nfs-server= \
           upload  test.iso
  • Specify the complete path to the ISO domain.

Root Cause

  • Only the NFS mountpoint is being specified.
  • This sees to be an error in the DOCS for Populating the ISO Domain
  • The Docs only specify the following steps:
ISO Storage Domain Options:
The options in this configuration group are used to specify the ISO domain to which files must be uploaded

1) -i, --iso-domain=ISODOMAIN
Sets the storage domain named ISODOMAIN as the destination for uploads.

2) -n, --nfs-server=NFSSERVER
Sets the NFS path NFSSERVER as the destination for uploads. This option is an alternative to --iso-domain, the two must not be used at the same time.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the directory permissions on the NFS mountpoint where you want to upload the ISO file.
  • Are the correctly set to user=vdsm,group=kvm; like below:
drwxr-xr-x.   3 vdsm kvm       4096 May 15 13:02 iso
  • Check if the ISO-Domain is ACTIVE.

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