How to change the default public access to the Azure Storage Account created by ARO clusters

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • 4
  • OpenShift Managed (Azure)
    • 4


  • The publicly accessible Azure Storage Accounts created by the ARO installation is against our company policy.
  • Is it possible to switch the setting of the Azure Storage Account from 'All networks' to only internal/non internet networks.


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Egress lockdown is now enabled by default for new cluster creation. to enable egress lockdown on existing clusters, you must have SNI enabled on the customer workloads. To enable egress lockdown on your existing clusters, submit a support case to either Microsoft Support or Red Hat Support.

See Enable Egress Lockdown and Lockdown storage accounts for more detail

The cluster Storage Account must remain in-tact and be 100% managed by SREs, as this is used for backups of data for the cluster. ARO customers should not directly delete any resources in the managed resource group, and the deny assignment on the managed resource group will prevent them from doing so. For reference, here's the corresponding part of the support policy:
"Don't circumvent the deny assignment that is configured as part of the service, or perform administrative tasks that are normally prohibited by the deny assignment."

Root Cause

The Egress Lockdown feature is not enabled on the ARO.

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