Pb for a user to open a valid session onto server RHEL 6.9

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Hello all, i uses redhat version "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 69 (Santiago)".
-When i try to connect a user XXX onto my Linux Server, the session is close instantly.
-File /var/log/secure says : pam_unix(ssd:session) session closed for user XXX.
It happens from a remote session with SSH, but also through the ILO card and a freshly created user has the same behavior.

Another Red Hat Server i have, with same version and installation, is OK and the user XXX is allowed to open a full session with its complete environnment.

  • File /etc/pam.d/sshd are the same on both server, one server is OK and one server is not.
    But i can open a session with the user XXX when used in a automated session with PUTTY as:
    putty -ssh -l XXX -pw YYY -m Action.txt -sessionlog Log.txt
    In this case, i can connect onto serveur using user XXX , perform a task and close the session.

As a newbie, some help will be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
