OAuth API servers are not ready - PreconditionNotReady

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
    • 4.6 and above


  • authentication operator is not available and/or degraded with the message:
    • APIServerDeploymentAvailable: no apiserver.openshift-oauth-apiserver pods available on any node.


Fixed versions

The issue has been fixed from the following versions:

Version Related BZ/Jira Related Errata
4.8.2 BZ 1934400 RHSA-2021:2438
4.7.29 BZ 1967359 RHSA-2021:3303
4.6.46 BZ 1967361 RHBA-2021:3643


for previous versions, please follow this workaround to get the Authentication Operator back online.

The SCC including the defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false key/value have been identified in the Diagnostic Steps (step 4).
Use oc edit to remove the key/value pair from the SCC:

$ KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig
$ oc --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} edit scc vulnerability-advisor-scc
  #Remove the `defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false` line

Once all SCC configurations have been updated, refresh the openshift-oauth-apiserver replicaset.

$ oc patch replicaset.apps/apiserver-5bdfd49cf8 -n openshift-oauth-apiserver -p '{"spec": {"replicas": 0}}' --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG}

This will trigger the replicaset to redeploy the PODs, as it will automatically recover the value to 3.

Once the replicaset has started at least one pod, the Authentication operator should have recover and the command oc login should work.
If the replicaset is still failing, please check the diagnostic steps again for any extra SCC to edit.

Root Cause

The issue is related to a SecurityContextConstraint (SCC) setting the defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false when the openshift-oauth-apiserver replicaset is trying to start the pods with the privileged option.

A Bug fix has been submitted and should be released in a future release version (current version: 4.6.19, 4.7.0)

Diagnostic Steps

Disclaimer: This issue will only occur on RHCOP cluster 4.6 and above, as the openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace was added from RHOCP 4.6 .

To access your cluster, you need to use the kubeconfig created during the installation process.

1) The first issue should be visible from the Authentication operator:

$ KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig
$ oc --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} get co authentication -o json | jq -r '.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Degraded")'
  "lastTransitionTime": "2021-03-05T00:59:10Z",
  "message": "APIServerDeploymentDegraded: 3 of 3 requested instances are unavailable for apiserver.openshift-oauth-apiserver (no pods found with labels \"apiserver=true,app=openshift-oauth-apiserver,oauth-apiserver-anti-affinity=true,revision=2\")\nOAuthServerDeploymentDegraded: Unable to get \"openshift-browser-client\" bootstrapped OAuth client: the server is currently unable to handle the request (post oauthclients.oauth.openshift.io)",
  "reason": "APIServerDeployment_UnavailablePod::OAuthServerDeployment_GetFailed",
  "status": "True",
  "type": "Degraded"

Here the Authentication operator is complaining about the missing pods from the openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace

2) Looking at the objects available in the openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace:

$ oc --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} get all -n openshift-oauth-apiserver
NAME          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/api   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   161m

NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/apiserver   0/3     0            0           158m

NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/apiserver-5bdfd49cf8   3         0         0       158m

PODs are missing in the replicaset (Desired: 3, Current: 0).

3) Looking at deeper in the replicatset will show the actual issue:

$ oc --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} get rs -n openshift-oauth-apiserver -o json | jq -r '.items[].status'
  "conditions": [
      "lastTransitionTime": "2021-03-05T00:57:10Z",
      "message": "Pod \"apiserver-5bdfd49cf8-h8dtb\" is invalid: [spec.containers[0].securityContext: Invalid value: core.SecurityContext{Capabilities:(*core.Capabilities)(nil), Privileged:(*bool)(0xc02cf74aae), SELinuxOptions:(*core.SELinuxOptions)(nil), WindowsOptions:(*core.WindowsSecurityContextOptions)(nil), RunAsUser:(*int64)(nil), RunAsGroup:(*int64)(nil), RunAsNonRoot:(*bool)(nil), ReadOnlyRootFilesystem:(*bool)(nil), AllowPrivilegeEscalation:(*bool)(0xc02cf7488c), ProcMount:(*core.ProcMountType)(nil), SeccompProfile:(*core.SeccompProfile)(nil)}: cannot set `allowPrivilegeEscalation` to false and `privileged` to true, spec.initContainers[0].securityContext: Invalid value: core.SecurityContext{Capabilities:(*core.Capabilities)(nil), Privileged:(*bool)(0xc02cf74aad), SELinuxOptions:(*core.SELinuxOptions)(nil), WindowsOptions:(*core.WindowsSecurityContextOptions)(nil), RunAsUser:(*int64)(nil), RunAsGroup:(*int64)(nil), RunAsNonRoot:(*bool)(nil), ReadOnlyRootFilesystem:(*bool)(nil), AllowPrivilegeEscalation:(*bool)(0xc02cf7488c), ProcMount:(*core.ProcMountType)(nil), SeccompProfile:(*core.SeccompProfile)(nil)}: cannot set `allowPrivilegeEscalation` to false and `privileged` to true]",
      "reason": "FailedCreate",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "ReplicaFailure"
  "observedGeneration": 11,
  "replicas": 0

The replicaset is complaining about an incoherence as it "cannot set allowPrivilegeEscalation to false and privileged to true"

4) This is related to a defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false key/value pair present in one of the SecurityContextConstraint (SCC) config.
Running the following command should identify the SCC with this key/value pair:

$ oc --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} get scc -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation == false) | .metadata.name'

In this example, the SCC vulnerability-advisor-scc has the key/value pair defined in its configuration.

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