AMQ 7 Broker - 7.8.x Resolved Issues

Updated -

The AMQ Broker 7.8.7 release is now available for download from the Customer Support Portal. AMQ Broker 7.8.7 is a patch release for AMQ Broker 7.8.0 and can be applied as a patch to an existing broker instance or can be used to create new broker instances. Note, AMQ Broker patches are cumulative and include fixes from previous patch releases as noted below.

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.7 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-6542 (7.8.x clone) Page Cleanup may fail to remove pages
ENTMQBR-6543 (7.8.x clone) AIO Journal Blocking on Compaction
ENTMQBR-6554 [7.8.x clone] Setting of an OpenWire message ID from Core ID causes to javax.jms.JMSException: Suppressing duplicate delivery on connection.
ENTMQBR-6693 [7.8.x LTS] ReadWriteLock::unlock CPU contention
ENTMQBR-6766 [7.8.x] STOMP sessions accumulating
ENTMQBR-6813 [7.8.x clone]Improve Journal Compactor split logic
ENTMQBR-6859 CVE-2022-35278 artemis-plugin: activemq-artemis: AMQ Broker web console HTML Injection [amq-7-LTS]
ENTMQBR-6888 [7.8] Critical analyzer should not shut down the broker during initial journal processing
ENTMQBR-6889 [7.8] Browsing iterator could cause NoSuchElementException
ENTMQBR-6893 [7.8] Short lived queue subscriptions can cause addressSize out of sync with reality

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.6 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-6471 CVE-2022-22965 spring-webmvc: spring-framework: RCE via Data Binding on JDK 9+ [amq-7-LTS]

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.5 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-6096 [LTS] Remove all references to log4j in AMQ Broker

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.4 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-4822 [LTS] Inconsistencies between Replication Catchup and PagingStore.stopPaging();
ENTMQBR-5576 [LTS] Rug queue auto creation against simultaneous clients and destroy Address
ENTMQBR-5592 [LTS] Mapping roles to all queue names that include a specified prefix using a wildcard "*" does not work consistently
ENTMQBR-5598 [LTS] AMQP Consumer fails to receive LargeMessage when Broker uses JDBC storage
ENTMQBR-5688 [LTS] BufferSplitter::split shouldn't consume input buffer
ENTMQBR-5718 [LTS] AMQP messages converted to Core won't convert expire
ENTMQBR-5728 [LTS] Broker fails to load if there is a prepared transaction with an ACK is pending on an non existent page
ENTMQBR-5748 Changes to activemqartemis CR's resources are not applied
ENTMQBR-5752 [LTS] Remove unnecessary block operations on journal
ENTMQBR-5908 flow control not properly applied with openwire async producers
ENTMQBR-5910 [LTS] change to WARN, logging message AMQ224013: failed to expire messages for queue: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
ENTMQBR-5929 CVE-2021-4104 log4j: Remote code execution in Log4j 1.x when application is configured to use JMSAppender [amq-7-LTS]
ENTMQBR-5938 [ARTEMIS-3200] ProtonAbstractReceiver memory leak
ENTMQBR-5956 After upgrade: AMQ224107: The Critical Analyzer detected slow paths on the broker.
ENTMQBR-5960 [LTS] Errors occurred during the buffering operation : javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Cannot add a producer to a connection that had not been registered:
ENTMQBR-5962 [LTS] Address is already in use when adding a new user from CLI
ENTMQBR-5963 [LTS] amq-broker7 on openshift propertiesLoginModules not setting roles correctly
ENTMQBR-5964 [LTS] When enabling audit log, logging out from hawtio trigger a jetty WARN.
ENTMQBR-5965 [LTS] Allow setting max-size-bytes=0 to page immediately in order to preserve memory.
ENTMQBR-5967 [LTS] NPE on createSharedSubscription when client connects to older versions
ENTMQBR-5968 [LTS] AMQPMessage.scanMessageData() creates unnecessary buffer wrapper
ENTMQBR-5969 [LTS] Federation does not work with large messages
ENTMQBR-6096 [LTS] Remove all references to log4j in AMQ Broker

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.3 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-5134 Consumption Stalled after seeing AMQ222151 and org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.paging.cursor.NonExistentPage ERRORS in log
ENTMQBR-5189 [LTS] Calling deleteAddress(queuename,true) on a cluster node removes store-and-forward queue
ENTMQBR-5190 [LTS] Deleting A Queue With Openwire Consumer Attached Results in a Stuck Consumer / Stale Connection
ENTMQBR-5198 [LTS] Qpid Proton C++ client does not work with filtered queues
ENTMQBR-5200 [LTS] AMQP bypasses session when deleting queues
ENTMQBR-5207 [LTS] AMQ: addSecuritySettings reset with updated broker.xml
ENTMQBR-5237 [LTS] Filtering of messages is not working in AMQ Web Console
ENTMQBR-5241 [LTS] With large number of queues expire scanner thread generates large load
ENTMQBR-5244 [LTS] openwire consumer can't consume messages produced by qpid python amqp client with bytes as message properties
ENTMQBR-5249 [LTS] Scale down would fail if target queue's id greater than max int
ENTMQBR-5251 [LTS 7.8] NPE thrown if metrics plugin is not configured and the metrics web context is invoked
ENTMQBR-5278 [LTS] User info is not correct when connection is 2-way authenticated via TextFileCertificateLoginModule and AMQP protocol
ENTMQBR-5279 [LTS] Add message to the audit consume log message
ENTMQBR-5280 [LTS] Lack of info to tell the messageID and the messageId relationship in audit log
ENTMQBR-5281 [LTS] Add audit logging for message ack
ENTMQBR-5357 [LTS] shared durable subscriber: new connection with different selector also changes maxConsumers
ENTMQBR-5359 [LTS] The broker throws java.lang.NullPointerException during startup
ENTMQBR-5360 [LTS] [MQTT] Server shuts down processing received message
ENTMQBR-5373 [LTS] AMQ 7.8.2 has dropped the support for updateQueue()
ENTMQBR-5384 [LTS]Proton LargeMessageDeliveryContext doesn't check for closed connection / sender before attempting to send
ENTMQBR-5385 [LTS] Duplicated messages with bridge duplicate detection enabled
ENTMQBR-5386 [LTS] java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException in LogManager
ENTMQBR-5393 [LTS] Introduce Capability To Time Out and Remove Offline Durable Subscribers (Including MQTT)
ENTMQBR-5406 CVE-2021-3763 broker: AMQ Broker 7: Incorrect privilege in Management Console [amq-7-LTS]
ENTMQBR-5426 [LTS] MQTT's 'Session Present' is always '1'(true)
ENTMQBR-5428 [LTS] NPE on OpenWireConnection ln 837 resulting in thread contention
ENTMQBR-5453 [LTS] Backup connector ignores TTL settings on the connection factories
ENTMQBR-5455 [LTS] AMQP Message isDurable returns false during RELOAD_PERSISTENCE state
ENTMQBR-5456 Cannot create ActiveMqArtemisAddress CRD, when the broker 'adminPassword' field has a special character
ENTMQBR-5457 [LTS] Log level needs to be DEBUG for canInvoke method of class.
ENTMQBR-5459 [LTS] Split Brain detection should reject bad member updates
ENTMQBR-5460 [LTS] ClassCastException: DivertBinding cannot be cast to QueueBinding
ENTMQBR-5462 [LTS] Purging of queues does not work while audit.message.level=INFO in 7.8.2-PATCH-3133
ENTMQBR-5463 [LTS] Disable folder file listing on Jetty
ENTMQBR-5465 [LTS] Improve the error management of the OpenWireMessageConverter
ENTMQBR-5466 [LTS] FD leak on receiving AMQP large messages
ENTMQBR-5467 [LTS] MQTT spec violation when subscribed to wildcard topic on redistribution
ENTMQBR-5470 [LTS] JMX: cluster-connection start() method does not work after stop() method invoked
ENTMQBR-5471 [LTS] Broker does not auto create a queue when deploying a MDB
ENTMQBR-5476 [LTS] Enhance jolokia configuration in AMQ for Fuse Console
ENTMQBR-5519 [LTS] Hawtio sort feature does not work properly with numerical data columns
ENTMQBR-5572 [LTS] Bridge reconnect will lead to incorrect Queue.deliveringCounts
ENTMQBR-5573 [LTS] Openwire will break duplicateID interaction with compacting when using Transactions
ENTMQBR-5574 [LTS] Attribute Filter not Working Correctly in Hawtio Queue Browser
ENTMQBR-5576 [LTS] Rug queue auto creation against simultaneous clients and destroy Address
ENTMQBR-5577 [LTS] SNF Stuck Queue with concurrent cluster and reconnections
ENTMQBR-5578 Set olm.openShiftMaxVersion annotation and deprecate 7.8 for OCP 4.8
ENTMQBR-5579 [LTS]AddDuplicateIDOperation objects retained on heap

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.2 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-2778 Secret credential name not dynamic preventing multiple deployments per project namespace
ENTMQBR-3646 [EAP] Artemis 2.13.0 logs password for Core protocol in clear text in debug logs
ENTMQBR-3702 [ARTEMIS-3004] Repeating WARN log message "Notified of connection failure" after every xa recovery when read-timeout is configure with a smaller value than default client-failure-check-period (30 seconds)
ENTMQBR-4155 NullPointerException while performing Replication from Master to Slave
ENTMQBR-4282 Security settings are being inherited from the general block (#) for the consume operation if the address pattern is A.*.B
ENTMQBR-4375 Docs links provided from Operator Hub should point to the correct product version
ENTMQBR-4388 [LTS] Add Info level logging statement on successful connection for AMQP Broker Connection (async DR)
ENTMQBR-4397 FileConfigurationParser Does Not Handle Encrypted / Masked data-source-properties
ENTMQBR-4404 ARTEMIS-3037 JournalImpl#checkKnownRecordID() implementation can leave a thread hanging in WAITING state
ENTMQBR-4417 AMQ 7.8 page-size-bytes attribute does not use 3rd level address-setting value
ENTMQBR-4445 unable to disable useTopologyForLoadBalancing for federation clients
ENTMQBR-4536 [LTS]retry doesn't works for AMQP message in DLQ
ENTMQBR-4545 Wrong statistics for LVQ non destructive
ENTMQBR-4550 [LTS-7.8] master/slave brokers both become unresponsive with nfs-side HA failover
ENTMQBR-4552 [LTS] First message as json attribute fails when AMQP messages contains binary application properties
ENTMQBR-4554 [LTS-7.8] AMQ 7.7 won't start, when upgrading in-place from 7.2.2
ENTMQBR-4606 [LTS-7.8] 'data exp' command doesn't exports all message properties
ENTMQBR-4609 JDBC connection pooling log
ENTMQBR-4610 [LTS]Intermittently getting error code "AMQ222010" in production environment
ENTMQBR-4611 [LTS] camel, pooled-jms library, useAnonymousProducers=true, durable subscriber combination - producer hangs
ENTMQBR-4617 Queue federation filter failures with AMQP client
ENTMQBR-4618 [LTS] LVQ non destructive: unable to consume message
ENTMQBR-4639 [LTS-7.8] Scale down of temporary queues causes issues
ENTMQBR-4640 [LTS] AMQP Messages should store actual expiration and survive between restarts on durable messages
ENTMQBR-4655 Hawtio : "Browse Queue" tab is missing for readonly user
ENTMQBR-4676 [LTS-7.8] [Hawtio] Checkboxes are not updated after pushing refresh button on broker diagram page
ENTMQBR-4688 Hawtio Search filter not working properly
ENTMQBR-4755 (LTS) AMQ Broker Console - Add support for navigation/deleting messages while being browsed
ENTMQBR-4772 Artemis keeps logging XA recovery warnings
ENTMQBR-4778 [LTS] Journal Pool Files property is missing from Hawtio console
ENTMQBR-4793 Backup Broker Web Apps Do Not Restart After Network Outage
ENTMQBR-4806 CVE-2021-3425 broker: Red Hat AMQ Broker: discloses JDBC username and password in the application log file [amq-7][lts]
ENTMQBR-4807 Add selectorAware option to the openwire virtualTopicConsumerWildcards feature.
ENTMQBR-4808 [LTS] Deep Recursion Causes StackOverflowError in BindingsImpl
ENTMQBR-4822 [LTS] Inconsistencies between Replication Catchup and PagingStore.stopPaging();
ENTMQBR-4823 [lts] Diverts created on live broker node are not replicated on backup node
ENTMQBR-4825 [lts] Broker Connection won't work with credentials
ENTMQBR-4831 AMQ 7 should try to compact journals containing update records after repeated redelivery
ENTMQBR-4913 [LTS] Setting nonBlockingRedelivery to true doesn't rollback the messages if the Openwire consumer is killed mid processing.
ENTMQBR-4917 [LTS] SSLSupport Does Not Work With PKCS11
ENTMQBR-4931 [lts] Cannot connect if many core bridges for two-way TLS acceptor are defined
ENTMQBR-4932 [lts] Improve Critical Analyzer to sample single threads
ENTMQBR-4949 [LTS] qpid proton cpp client and LVQ, duplicate acks and messages
ENTMQBR-4951 Missing finalizers permission in OperatorHub image data
ENTMQBR-4959 Adresses and queues are no longer created with Operator 0.19
ENTMQBR-4963 [LTS] [Openwire-protocol] ClassCastException consuming messages
ENTMQBR-4964 Users unlikely to distinguish RHEL7 and RHEL8 operators in OperatorHub
ENTMQBR-4970 [Operator] Operator crash-loops when wrong string for storage size is specified
ENTMQBR-4980 {LTS] Paging could lose data if a consumer match fails for any reason
ENTMQBR-4984 [LTS] Camel route with additional connection causes inconsistent queue counts
ENTMQBR-4985 [LTS] erroneously logs a ActiveMQMessageBundle.userNoPermissions message
ENTMQBR-4987 Duplicate detection in error on openwire failover consumer with CORE to OpenWire conversion on broker cluster
ENTMQBR-4990 [LTS] Paging won't cleanup if there's a truncated file or invalid data for any reason.
ENTMQBR-4993 AMQ Broker Operator can reach a Crash loop state in case if its installed on top of a previously created StatefulSet
ENTMQBR-4998 [LTS]Journal could run out of open files during async bursts and compacting
ENTMQBR-5051 [LTS] Client: Failed rollback stuck the client consumer.
ENTMQBR-5069 [LTS] Rollback of prepared XA transactions fails after a connection failure
ENTMQBR-5155 [LTS] Performance of "Processing Latency" is reduced compare to AMQ 7.7 version

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ Broker 7.8.1 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-4396 [LTS-7.8] Wrong producers tab page title
ENTMQBR-4435 [LTS-7.8] Improve console to show text for bytes messages
ENTMQBR-4436 [LTS-7.8] retry buttons dont appear whenmultiple dlqs are used
ENTMQBR-4437 [LTS-7.8] Include extra column "_AMQ_ORIG_QUEUE" while browsing DLQ within multicast DLA.
ENTMQBR-4439 [LTS-7.8] Hawtio has a typo at Browse Producers. It shows Browse Consumers.
ENTMQBR-4440 [LTS-7.8] AMQ 7.8 Hawtio console shows incorrect message browse date
ENTMQBR-4441 [LTS-7.8] MBean context isn't switched properly
ENTMQBR-4442 [LTS-7.8] Console: Queue view, column sort works only for visible items
ENTMQBR-4443 [LTS-7.8] AMQ 7.8 Console - Hide/Show columns - Regression
ENTMQBR-4444 [LTS-7.8] Not possible to hide/show brokers and connectors
ENTMQBR-4452 CVE-2020-27218 jetty: buffer not correctly recycled in Gzip Request inflation [amq-7.8.0]
ENTMQBR-4453 CVE-2020-8908 guava: local information disclosure via temporary directory created with unsafe permissions [amq-7.8.0]
ENTMQBR-4455 [LTS-7.8] Queue browser feature doesn't work
ENTMQBR-4458 [LTS-7.8] AMQ 7.8 Console - unable to close a long column list
ENTMQBR-4533 [LTS-7.8] Management methods check for null and not for empty strings
