FreeIPA (IdM) integrated DNS server denies recursive query from client networks

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 or later
  • Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) / FreeIPA
    • ipa-server-4.8.4 or later
    • ipa-server-dns-4.8.4 or later
    • bind-pkcs11


  • IPA clients from client network cannot resolve DNS records outside IPA domain

    [user@ipaclient] # dig 
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 2923                <=== status is REFUSED
  • Corresponding log message is recorded in /var/log/messages:

    ipaserver1 named-pkcs11[22529]: client @0x7f5cc80bfa80 ( query (cache) '' denied


  1. On each IPA DNS server, add below lines to /etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf

    allow-recursion { trusted_network; };
    allow-query-cache  { trusted_network; };
  2. Add client networks to trusted_network ACL, and then add the below section to /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf on ipa server:

    acl "trusted_network" {
     localnets;       <=== This line allows hosts in the same network to access
     localhost;       <=== This line allows the DNS sever itself to access; <=== CIDR IP address
     <add trusted client networks here>;
  3. Restart named:

    # systemctl restart named-pkcs11

Root Cause

The default behavior of recursive query on IdM integrated DNS Server has changed since RHEL8.2.

  • The default DNS server (BIND) access control list for allow-recursion is set to localnets; localhosts; 1

  • On RHEL7 and RHEL8 up to 8.1, the system default is to allow recursive query from any host. allow-recursion option, which allows anyhost to perform recursive query, is included in named.conf template overriding DNS server default ACL.

    In /etc/named.conf, below lines are present:

    // Any host is permitted to issue recursive queries
    allow-recursion { any; };
  • On RHEL8.22 or later, the allow-recursion option is removed3. The DNS server default (localnets; localhosts;) applies. Therefore, the server allows recursive query from hosts on the same subnet only.

  • /etc/named.conf is updated by ipa-server on upgrade and regularly after config changes. DNS servers upgraded to RHEL 8.2 from previous version will have the strengthened ACL applied, which denies recursive query from non-trusted networks.

  • IdM DNS server is not meant to be used as a general-purpose DNS server4. DNS server which allows recursive query could be targeted for DNS amplification attacks. Therefore, only trusted networks should be allowed to perform recursive query.

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