JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack (EAP XP) Component Details

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The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component Details

Component Details for JBoss EAP Expansion Pack 4.0.0

Component Versions in EAP XP 4.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 4.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance - Extension 4.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API 3.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Auth API 1.2.0
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Extension With SmallRye 4.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI 2.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI Extension With SmallRye 4.0.0.GA
Elytron JWT 1.15.9.Final
Jackson Dataformat YAML 2.12.1
Jose4j 0.7.9
Smallrye Fault Tolerance 5.2.1
Smallrye JWT 3.0.0
Smallrye OpenAPI 2.1.2

Component Details for JBoss EAP Expansion Pack 3.0.0

Component Versions in EAP XP 3.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 3.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance - Extension 3.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API 3.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Auth API 1.2.0
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Extension With SmallRye 3.0.0.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI 2.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI Extension With SmallRye 3.0.0.GA
Elytron JWT 1.15.3.Final
Jackson Dataformat YAML 2.12.1
Jose4j 0.7.2
Smallrye Fault Tolerance 5.0.0
Smallrye JWT 3.0.0
Smallrye OpenAPI 2.1.2

Component Details for JBoss EAP Expansion Pack 2.0.0

Component Versions in EAP XP 2.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 7.3.4.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance - Extension 7.3.4.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API 2.1.1
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Auth API 1.1.1
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Extension 7.3.4.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1.2
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI Extension 7.3.4.GA
Elytron JWT 1.10.9.Final
Jackson Dataformat YAML 2.10.4
Jose4j 0.6.5
Smallrye Fault Tolerance 4.2.1
Smallrye JWT 2.0.13
Smallrye OpenAPI 1.1.23

Deprecated Features/APIs - JBoss EAP Expansion Pack 2.0.0

Deprecated features will not see additional feature development in future versions of EAP XP and can be removed in a future major version of EAP XP. This list of deprecations reflects the currently known list of deprecations and may expand as development of EAP XP proceeds. This section will be updated as new deprecations are made.

Feature/API Comments
EAP XP Open JDK 8 / RHEL 7 OpenShift Support As of EAP XP 2.0 release EAP XP Open JDK 8/RHEL 7 support on OpenShift platform is deprecated. This includes the EAP XP Open JDK 8 set of images.

Other deprecated features are listed in the release notes for all versions of EAP XP.

Component Details for JBoss EAP Expansion Pack 1.0.0

Component Versions in EAP XP 1.0.0
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 7.3.1.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance - Extension 7.3.1.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API 2.1.0
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Auth API 1.1.1
Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Extension With SmallRye 7.3.1.GA
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1.2
Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI Extension With SmallRye 7.3.1.GA
Elytron JWT 1.10.6.Final
Jackson Dataformat YAML 2.10.3
Jose4j 0.6.5
Smallrye Fault Tolerance 4.1.1
Smallrye JWT 2.0.13
Smallrye OpenAPI 1.1.22

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