What is the process "bash -o stratum+tcp://mine.cc.st:3333 -0 geox.1:x -B" all about?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6


  • While monitoring this system, found one process bash -o stratum+tcp://mine.cc.st:3333 -0 geox.1:x -B consuming almost 100% of CPUs from the machine, what is this process about?


  • The following process looks like a bitcoin mining process. Red Hat doesn't ship this
bash -o stratum+tcp://mine.cc.st:3333 -0 geox.1:x -B
  • For more information look at the these links. Wikipedia, Bitcoin Main Page, Bitcoin Mining
    Disclaimer: Please note that above links are not verified and don't belong to Red Hat. So we don't guarantee working of them. Those are given only for information purpose.
  • Its recommended not to use this on production machine.
  • It also looks like a trojan, so stop this process by root user and check out all the crontab entries and remove the suspicious crontabs immediately.
  • Contact Red Hat Technical Support for the changes in the system.

Here are some recommendations from Red Hat.

(a) Enable software Firewall IPtables and configure it according to the setup.
(b) Also keep SELinux enabled/ in enforcing mode.
(c) Instead of using root user directly, configure sudo users and allocate the permissions for execution of binaries to particular users.
(d) Get audit daemon configured to monitor particular commands. A small example is given here.

Root Cause

  • A suspicious crontab was installed using root user credentials.

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