Why are Egenera systems listed as "Compatible (Supported)" instead of "Certified" in the Hardware database?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, 5
  • Egenera


Why are Egenera systems listed as "Compatible (Supported)" instead of "Certified" in the Hardware database?


Egenera systems listed in the hardware database (http://hardware.redhat.com) earn the designation "Compatible (Supported)" instead of "Certified". This is because Egenera systems require proprietary kernel modules which Red Hat is unable to analyze due to their closed source nature. "Compatible (Supported)" systems passes the same tests as "Certified" hardware, but the kernel modules prevent them from earning a "Certified" designation. Customers who run into problems on Egenera systems are fully supported, but any problems traced to their proprietary modules will require additional assistance from Egenera to address.

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