Jboss 7.1 configuration with IBM Websphere MQ
Informaica MDM 10.1 (Jboss 6.4 on Linux)
We are using Jboss 6.4 (on Linux ) and Websphere MQ (Configured on different Windows machine) for messaging . We are able to send the message from MDM Console to Websphere MQ by configuring the QManager, Qname etc and Server ip in Standalone-full.xml.
Informaica MDM 10.3 HF1 (Jboss 7.1 on Linux)
Now we are moving from 6.4 to 7(which is complete new installation) and not upgraded from 6.4- 7.
In 6.4 we were able to configure Websphere MQ in the section HornetQ. However we do not have this section in 7.1 and this entire code base has been sold to Redhat Jboss7.1 .
We tried to follow the same steps as in 6.4 , but it didn't work.
And we tried to follow the steps 31.5. Deploying the IBM Resource Adapters , Not sure how to implement step "5 MDB code" defined in this article.
Below is the error we are getting when we try to write to the Q
17:06:58,802 INFO [stdout] (AsyncAppender-Dispatcher-Thread-149) [2020-05-26 17:06:58,800] [default task-45] [WARN ] com.delos.cmx.server.datalayer.repository.messaging.ReposMessageQueue: SIP-09070: Couldn't obtain Embedded MQ connection factory with JDNI name: java:jboss/wmqCF
17:06:58,802 INFO [stdout] (AsyncAppender-Dispatcher-Thread-149) com.delos.util.messaging.MessagingException: SIP-09070: Couldn't obtain Embedded MQ connection factory with JDNI name: java:jboss/wmqCF