Unable to update agent io.fabric8.patch.management.PatchException: Invalid ref name: baseline-ssh-fabric8-1.2.0.redhat-630424

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Fuse
    • 6.3


  • Unable to update agent io.fabric8.patch.management.PatchException: Invalid ref name: baseline-ssh-fabric8-1.2.0.redhat-630424
  • Unable to Upgrade Fuse 6.3 from R13 to R14 (630424)


  • The problem was that d some old fabric versions including 1.0 got deleted
  • if version 1.0 doesn't exists then fabric containers are considered as EnvType.STANDALONE and the baselines are NOT created.
  • The workaround is to re-create fabric version 1.0
package io.fabric8.patch.management.impl;

public class DefaultEnvService

    public EnvType determineEnvironmentType() throws IOException {
        if (Boolean.getBoolean("patching.disabled")) {
            return EnvType.UNKNOWN;

        File localGitRepository = new File(systemContext.getProperty("karaf.data"), "git/local/fabric");
        // TODO: maybe check if .git/config contains remote "origin" ending with "/git/fabric/"?
        boolean isFabricGitInitialized = localGitRepository.isDirectory()
                && new File(localGitRepository, ".git").isDirectory()
                && hasBranch(localGitRepository, "master")
                && hasBranch(localGitRepository, "1.0");
        boolean hasZookeeperUrlAtStartup = System.getProperty("zookeeper.url") != null;
        boolean isChild = isChild(systemContext);

        if (isFabricGitInitialized || hasZookeeperUrlAtStartup) {
            if (isChild) {
                return EnvType.FABRIC_CHILD;
            } else {
                // is it enough?
                if (new File(karafHome, "bin/fuse").isFile()
                        || new File(karafHome, "bin/fuse.bat").isFile()) {
                    return EnvType.FABRIC_FUSE;
                } else if (new File(karafHome, "bin/amq").isFile()
                        || new File(karafHome, "bin/amq.bat").isFile()) {
                    return EnvType.FABRIC_AMQ;
                } else if (new File(karafHome, "bin/fabric8").isFile()
                        || new File(karafHome, "bin/fabric8.bat").isFile()) {
                    return EnvType.FABRIC_FABRIC8;

        return isChild ? EnvType.STANDALONE_CHILD : EnvType.STANDALONE;

     * Checks if git repository (a dir containing <code>.git</code> subdir) has particular branch
     * @param localGitRepository
     * @param name
     * @return
    private boolean hasBranch(File localGitRepository, String name) {
        boolean separateRef = new File(localGitRepository, ".git/refs/heads/" + name).isFile();
        boolean packedRef = false;
        try {
            String packedRefsFile = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(localGitRepository, ".git/packed-refs"));
            packedRef = packedRefsFile != null && packedRefsFile.contains("refs/heads/" + name);
        } catch (IOException ignored) {
        return separateRef || packedRef;

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