How to render a template for a provisioned host in satellite 6 using API call

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.6
  • Red Hat Satellite 6.5
  • Red Hat Satellite 6.4


  • Render a template for a provisioned host in satellite 6 using API call


1) Use the API call to list the template kinds :

 "template_kinds": {
            "List all template kinds": "/api/template_kinds"
# curl --user USER:PASSWORD https://SATELLITE-FQDN/api/template_kinds | json_reformat
  • Available template kinds :


2) Render a template for a provisioned host :

# curl --user USER:PASSWORD https://SATELLITE-FQDN/api/hosts/[HOST-ID]/template/[TEMPLATE KIND NAME] | json_reformat  | sed 's/\\n/\n/g'

For more KB articles/solutions related to Red Hat Satellite 6.x API Issues, please refer to the Red Hat Satellite Consolidated Troubleshooting Article for Red Hat Satellite 6.x API Issues

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