qpid broker forgot a federation route

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging 2.3


  • configured plenty of federation routes among three qpid brokers
  • one federation route with routing key "#" seems to be properly provisioned but the brokers do not route the traffic via it


As the root cause is unknown, it is recommended to delete and re-create the failing federation route. Following the setup in Diagnostic Steps, it means to execute commands:

qpid-route -v route del broker1:5672 broker2:5672 my.topic.exchange \#
qpid-route -v route del broker2:5672 broker1:5672 my.topic.exchange \#

sleep 10      # just to be sure the deletion has been completed

qpid-route --timeout 30 -d -v route add broker1:5672 broker2:5672 my.topic.exchange \#
qpid-route --timeout 30 -d -v route add broker2:5672 broker1:5672 my.topic.exchange \#

If the federation route will not work either, try to restart both brokers to clean some cached obsolete data.

Root Cause

Unknown at the moment. Possible causes:

  • somebody deleted by a mistake the auxiliary queue for the federation route named like ..
  • the federation topology was provisioned with some exchange route between non-existing exchanges - repetitive attempts to re-create this route might influenced the properly configured routes

Diagnostic Steps

  • federation route map shows (among others) exchange route between broker1 and broker2:
$ qpid-route route map broker1

Finding Linked Brokers:
    broker1:5672... Ok
    broker2:5672... Ok
    broker3:5672... Ok

Dynamic Routes:
  none found

Static Routes:
  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker1:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=#
  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=boo.#
  broker3:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) <= broker2:5672(ex=my.topic.exchange) key=foo2.#

  • but there is no auxiliary queue for the bridge on either broker1 or broker2 for key "#" there, just for the keys "boo.#" and "foo2.#":
$ qpid-config queues -b broker1 | grep "qpid.bridge"
qpid.bridge_queue_qpid.tcp:broker1:5672!my.topic.exchange!my.topic.exchange!boo.#_1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2                     auto-del excl --argument qpid.trace.exclude=1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2 --argument qpid.trace.id=c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814
qpid.bridge_queue_qpid.tcp:broker1:5672!my.topic.exchange!my.topic.exchange!foo2.#_1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2                 auto-del excl --argument qpid.trace.exclude=1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2 --argument qpid.trace.id=c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814
$ qpid-config queues -b broker2 | grep "qpid.bridge"
qpid.bridge_queue_qpid.tcp:broker2:5672!my.topic.exchange!my.topic.exchange!boo.#_c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814                     auto-del excl --argument qpid.trace.exclude=c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814 --argument qpid.trace.id=1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2
qpid.bridge_queue_qpid.tcp:broker2:5672!my.topic.exchange!my.topic.exchange!foo2.#_c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814                 auto-del excl --argument qpid.trace.exclude=c0773ecb-f82c-4c78-9c01-f0c1dbc1c814 --argument qpid.trace.id=1d288398-f5f0-4c57-a815-72ee3186fda2

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