The puppetmaster service rule is removed from iptables after RHUI 3.0 reboot.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.x
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x


  • rhui-installer uses iptables instead of firewalld to allow puppet master port on RHUI 3.0 installed on RHEL 7.


Bug 1748382 was created for this behavior, but the engineering team responded that it was not a bug.

satellite-installer temporarily set iptables, but the settings are removed on reboot.
If you have configured your network as described in the documentation,
You don't need to set it up in iptables/firewalld again.

There is a chapter in Administration Guide - Chapter 3. Prerequisites for Installing Red Hat Update Infrastructure

  1. All required network ports are open.
    Table 3.1. Required Network Port Settings

Diagnostic Steps

  • Upon running rhui-installer on RHUI 3.0 an entry for puppetmaster service is added to iptables:
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             multiport ports 8140 /* 110 allow puppet access */
  • The above rule is lost after rebooting RHUA.

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