Satellite Server mergePackage API question

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Satellite 5.3


  • All our channels are cloned; here's what the 64bit RHEL 5 channel looks like:

    • rhel-x86_64-server-5  ========================================  clone-rhel-x86_64-server-5
  • Prior to satellite 5.3, clones were updated via the WebUI via manage software channels=>choose clone=>packages=>add packages=>choose channel to add from=>select all=>confirm.

    • This process was repeated for each clone channel. It's time-consuming, not to mention error-prone.
  • We have scripted this with mergePackages and want to make sure that mergePackages is the proper command to use.


  • We went ahead with the script, pretty much as I sent it.  All was well; we have updated several systems since the cloning, and thay were OK as well.

Root Cause

  • If the idea behind the script is to make identical channels then  they are using the correct call. mergePackages will pull out the list of  packages from one channel and then put them into the second channel. I  don't see a problem here.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Customer wrote the script in Ruby utilizing mergePackages

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