How to enable DEBUG in OVN Controller?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.0


  • In OVN based environment, how to enable DEBUG in OVN Controller?


  • ForOVN level debugging, it uses native OVN built-in logging to enable debug for OVN module.

  • The ovn-controller service runs in a container, so it is required to set the DEBUG option inside the container.

  • Verify the status of ovn_controller container status and it should be UP state.

    # podman ps | grep ovn_controller
    e4163cdd502b              kolla_start           5 days ago  Up 5 days ago          ovn_controller
  • Inside the container, verify list-commands offered for ovn-controller.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl list-commands
    The available commands are:
      coverage/read-counter   COUNTER
      debug/delay-nb-cfg-report SECONDS
      flush-lflow-cache       [deprecated]
      inject-pkt              MICROFLOW
      recompute               [deprecated]
      stopwatch/reset         [NAME]
      stopwatch/show          [NAME]
      tnl/egress_port_range   min max
      vlog/disable-rate-limit [module]...
      vlog/enable-rate-limit  [module]...
      vlog/set                {spec | PATTERN:destination:pattern}
  • Verify the LOGGING pattern for ovn-controller.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list-pattern
             prefix                            format
             ------                            ------
    SYSLOG   <%B> %D{%h %e %T} %E %A:          ovs|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
    CONSOLE  none                              %D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
    FILE     none                              %D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
  • Review the available debug option for ovn-controller.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list
                     console    syslog    file
                     -------    ------    ------
    acl_log           INFO       INFO       INFO
    actions           INFO       INFO       INFO
    backtrace         INFO       INFO       INFO
    binding           INFO       INFO       INFO
    bundle            INFO       INFO       INFO
    chassis           INFO       INFO       INFO
    command_line      INFO       INFO       INFO
    conntrack         INFO       INFO       INFO
    conntrack_tp      INFO       INFO       INFO
    coverage          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ct_dpif           INFO       INFO       INFO
    daemon            INFO       INFO       INFO
    daemon_unix       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dns_resolve       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpdk              INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif              INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_lookup_autovalidator  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_lookup_generic  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_mfex_extract_study  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_extract  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_impl  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_lookup  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netlink      INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netlink_rtnl  INFO       INFO       INFO
    encaps            INFO       INFO       INFO
    entropy           INFO       INFO       INFO
    expr              INFO       INFO       INFO
    extend_table      INFO       INFO       INFO
    fatal_signal      INFO       INFO       INFO
    features          INFO       INFO       INFO
    flow              INFO       INFO       INFO
    ha_chassis        INFO       INFO       INFO
    hmap              INFO       INFO       INFO
    if_status         INFO       INFO       INFO
    inc_proc_eng      INFO       INFO       INFO
    ipf               INFO       INFO       INFO
    jsonrpc           INFO       INFO       INFO
    lb                INFO       INFO       INFO
    ldata             INFO       INFO       INFO
    lflow             INFO       INFO       INFO
    lflow_cache       INFO       INFO       INFO
    lockfile          INFO       INFO       INFO
    lport             INFO       INFO       INFO
    mac_learn         INFO       INFO       INFO
    main              INFO       INFO       INFO
    memory            INFO       INFO       INFO
    meta_flow         INFO       INFO       INFO
    native_tnl        INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev            INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_linux      INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_offload    INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_offload_tc  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_vport      INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink           INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_conntrack  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_notifier  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_socket    INFO       INFO       INFO
    nx_match          INFO       INFO       INFO
    odp_execute       INFO       INFO       INFO
    odp_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofctrl            INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_actions       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_bundle        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_connection    INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_errors        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_flow          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_group         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_match         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_meter         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_monitor       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_msgs          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_packet        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_port          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_protocol      INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_queue         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_table         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovn_bfd           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovn_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_numa          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_rcu           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_replay        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_router        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_thread        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_cs          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_error       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_idl         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsport           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ox_stat           INFO       INFO       INFO
    patch             INFO       INFO       INFO
    physical          INFO       INFO       INFO
    pinctrl           INFO       INFO       INFO
    pmd_perf          INFO       INFO       INFO
    poll_loop         INFO       INFO       INFO
    process           INFO       INFO       INFO
    rconn             INFO       INFO       INFO
    reconnect         INFO       INFO       INFO
    route_table       INFO       INFO       INFO
    signals           INFO       INFO       INFO
    socket_util       INFO       INFO       INFO
    socket_util_unix  INFO       INFO       INFO
    stopwatch         INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream            INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_fd         INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_replay     INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_ssl        INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_tcp        INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_unix       INFO       INFO       INFO
    svec              INFO       INFO       INFO
    tc                INFO       INFO       INFO
    timeval           INFO       INFO       INFO
    unixctl           INFO       INFO       INFO
    userspace_tso     INFO       INFO       INFO
    util              INFO       INFO       INFO
    uuid              INFO       INFO       INFO
    vconn             INFO       INFO       INFO
    vconn_stream      INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug          INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug_dummy    INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug_provider  INFO       INFO       INFO
    vlog              INFO       INFO       INFO
  • As such a syntax of ovn-appctl to customize vlog is as follows:

    ovn-appctl vlog/set module:facility:level
  • Sample example to verify OVN module chassis.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list | grep chassis
    chassis           INFO       INFO       INFO
  • Sample example to enable debug for OVN chassis module.

    podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/set chassis:file:dbg
  • Review the debug log from following /var/log/containers/openvswitch/ovn-controller.log location.

    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17330|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17368|inc_proc_eng|DBG|lib/inc-proc-eng.c:323: node: SB_chassis, old_state Unchanged, new_state Stale
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17399|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.974Z|17433|inc_proc_eng|DBG|lib/inc-proc-eng.c:323: node: SB_chassis, old_state Unchanged, new_state Stale
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.974Z|17464|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
  • Sample example to disable debug for OVN chassis module.

    podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/set chassis:file:info

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