JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2 Update 3 Release Notes

Updated -

Important: This update is not the latest cumulative patch, it is recommended to apply the latest update, see these links for the latest:

In order to better meet customer expectations, micro releases for JBoss EAP 7 have been discontinued and replaced with updates delivered on a repeating schedule.

Each new update will contain a number of bug fixes for customer reported issues and potentially a number of security fixes. We expect that the updates will substantially reduce the number of individual patches that we produce and that customers must manage to keep their installations up to date.

For more information see the following Red Hat Knowledgebase articles: Maintenance Release Changes in EAP 6.2+ and Updated Patch Management with EAP 6.2+

This update includes all fixes and changes from JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2 Update 02

Download JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2 Update 3

This update includes the following bug fixes or changes:

ID Component Summary
JBEAP-16587 ActiveMQ AMQ222276: Failed to process changes to the logging configuration file warning on startup
JBEAP-12983 ActiveMQ Shutdown of server with remote JCA MDB may take too long
JBEAP-16802 ActiveMQ ENTMQBR-2461 - HQPropertiesConverter class throws a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException while processing message headers
JBEAP-16769 ActiveMQ There is a small memory leak when creating and deleting temporary queues
JBEAP-16698 ActiveMQ hornetq-core-client with netty in the same classloader cause an java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
JBEAP-16553 Application Client Datasources namespace version is incorrect in appclient.xml
JBEAP-16664 EE WFLY-10808 - Default Value of local-receiver-pass-by-value in jboss-ejb-client Descriptor is Not Respected
JBEAP-16812 EJB Error in JBoss Management Console when clicking on the deployed subsystem jaxrs/rest-resource
JBEAP-16805 EJB Default heartbeat / read-timeout / write-timeout for all connections in wildfly-config.xml [details]
JBEAP-16919 EJB EJBCLIENT-335 - EJB Client Exception missing host:port [details]
JBEAP-16782 EJB REM3-333 - XARecoveryModule.xaRecoveryFirstPass getting org.jboss.remoting3.ProtocolException: Too many channels open
JBEAP-16926 EJB WFLY-12090 - Unknown service name jboss.ejb and txn [details]
JBEAP-16900 EJB WFTC-66 - Transaction could not handle remote EJB invocation even if the transaction is not used remote
JBEAP-17102 JMS Log spam in category org.apache.activemq.audit.base
JBEAP-16685 JMX REMJMX-160 - Every JMXConnectorFactory#connect() creates a new ThreadGroup which is never reclaimed [details]
JBEAP-16931 JMX REMJMX-163 - After unsuccessful connect attempts (Client Side) the Endpoint is not closed [details]
JBEAP-16745 JPA / Hibernate WFLY-11991 - Applications that extend certain Hibernate classes should be updated to use type SharedSessionContractImplementor instead of SessionImplementor
JBEAP-16565 JSF WFLY-11864 - only one JSF Validator is invoked when defined via annotation @FacesValidator
JBEAP-16813 REST :read-resource operation of jax-rs subsystem doesn't handle all interfaces
JBEAP-16491 REST RESTEASY-2171 - JsonBindingProvider use incorrect charset encoding
JBEAP-16688 REST @PostConstruct on @ApplicationScoped bean called too late in case @Valid is annotated on a business method
JBEAP-16939 REST Validation of @ApplicationScoped bean's business method performed before @PostConstruct callback
JBEAP-17020 Security ELY-1810 - (Intermittent) stuck start with secmgr after enabling Elytron JACC for undertow/application-security-domain
JBEAP-16958 Security PLINK-793 [picketlink bindings part]- EJB Security Context Propagation in Service Provider
JBEAP-16924 Security PLINK-793 [picketlink part]- EJB Security Context Propagation in Service Provider [details]
JBEAP-16836 Security ELY-1634 - LDAPS referrals broken [details]
JBEAP-16820 Server Remoting configuration must allow to set heartbeat to 0
JBEAP-16725 Server java.rmi is not visible from EJBServerChannel / EJB subsystem doesn't set TCCL when deserializing request
JBEAP-16976 Server remoting subsystem endpoint does not use specified worker
JBEAP-16910 Transactions JBTM-3110 - JNDIBean CDI Deployment Failure [details]
JBEAP-16425 Web (Undertow) WFLY-11640 - WFSSL-10 - NPE with wildfly-openssl using OpenSSL 1.1.1a
JBEAP-15802 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1402 - response.responseDone() skipped after uncaught exception from AsyncContextImpl.onAsyncComplete()
JBEAP-16298 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1489 - Can't add more than one cookie with the same name
JBEAP-16751 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1525 - 500 response code sent if JSP include is nested within custom tag
JBEAP-16856 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1534 - HTTP/2 can enter infinite loop if an incomplete header is read
JBEAP-17035 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1537 - RequestLimit returns response code 513
JBEAP-16927 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1542 - Undertow doesn't extract request parameters if PUT method is being called
JBEAP-16975 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1548 - Make EAP 7's request cookie parser behavior tunable like EAP 6
JBEAP-17041 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1555 - JSP hot reloading does not work in subdirectories of an exploded deployment on Windows [details]
JBEAP-17048 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1556 - filter not invoked for matching /* path
JBEAP-17052 Web (Undertow) UNDERTOW-1558 - security-manager and reflection permissions in DirectByteBufferDeallocator/undertow
JBEAP-16733 Web Console HAL-1581 - EAP 7.2 management console issue with JMS in domain mode
JBEAP-16671 Web Console HAL-1588 - Console shows server URL as http://[host]:webPort even if http is disabled
JBEAP-16727 Web Console HAL-1576 - Add BusyWorkerThreadCount metric under IO Worker Runtime view in the management console [details]
JBEAP-16737 Web Console HAL-1582 - Console for domain mode has server-group missing some operations
JBEAP-15799 Web Services JDK11: wsconsume throws "An illegal reflective access" warnings
JBEAP-16485 Web Services CXF-7984 - UsernameTokenInterceptor doesn't respect contextual property "allowNamespaceQualifiedPasswordTypes"
JBEAP-16517 Web Services CXF-7990 - CXF goes in Infinite loop when service endpoint throws SOAPFaultException

Note: This update should only be applied to installer or zip-based installations.

To apply this update using the CLI on Unix-based systems, run the following command from JBOSS_HOME:

bin/jboss-cli.sh "patch apply path/to/jboss-eap-7.2.3-patch.zip"

To apply this update using the CLI on Windows-based systems, run the following command from JBOSS_HOME:

bin\jboss-cli.bat "patch apply path\to\jboss-eap-7.2.3-patch.zip"

These commands will apply the update to the installation that contains the CLI script. Other scenarios and use of the management console are covered in the JBoss EAP 7.2 Patching And Upgrading Guide
