Method to LMV a RHEL EC2 image

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I obtained a specialized RH image provided by Amazon's EC2 instances. The OS came without LVMed OS volumes, and it did not have the LMV+dependencies pkgs installed either.

There has been an old post closely related to the matter found. The post did not conclusively display a proven workaround or resolution to the subject. (Reference:

I have been able to update the image with the LVM+dependencies pkgs, create the {1,2} partitions for boot and LVM use, respectively, and, copied the contents to the newly created LVMed volumes (preserving all timestamps/permissions, etc.).

On the AWS side, the new EBS volume that was used to create the LVM objects was modified to be the /dev/sda1 (boot) for the EC2 instance.

The instance fails to boot with no message visible on the AWS console's 'Get System Log' (server's console).

Has this problem been resolved via 'some procedure' out there?

Thank in advance.
