How to Create a Volume in NFS-Ganesha using Heketi

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red hat Gluster Storage 3.3, 3.4
  • NFS-Ganesha


  • What are the steps to create or remove an Heketi provisioned volume, exported by NFS-Ganesha?


IMPORTANT: Please, be aware that NFS-Gahesna exported Gluster volumes are not supported in Openshift Container Storage. The instructions provided in this page are only for on-premise installations.

Follow these steps to create a NFS Ganesha volume using heketi

  • Create the volume using heketi-cli

    # heketi-cli volume create [options] volname
  • Enable nfs-ganesha option to share the volume

    # gluster vol set volname nfs-ganesha.enable on
  • Check the result using showmount

    # showmount -e

These are the steps to delete a NFS Ganesha volume with heketi

  • Disable the option nfs-ganesha

    # gluster vol set volname nfs-ganesha.enable off
  • Check the result executing

    # showmount -e
  • Delete the volume using heketi-cli

    # heketi-cli volume delete volname

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