Provisioning using Red Hat Satellite 6 fails with error `undefined method '#params' for Host::Managed::Jail.` after upgrading to Red Hat Satellite 6.4

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.4


  • Getting error undefined method '#params' for Host::Managed::Jail when provisioning a VM using Red Hat Satellite 6.


  • Follow below steps on the Red Hat Satellite server to resolve the issue:

    • After upgrading Satellite to version 6.4, customized or cloned templates requires modification as follows.
    @host.params['parameter1'] -> host_param('parameter1')
    @host.param_true?('parameter1') -> host_param_true?('parameter1')
    @host.param_false?('parameter1') -> host_param_false?('parameter1')['parameters']['realm']  -> host_enc['parameters']['realm']
    • The process uses simple text replacement which will not work in all cases, e.g. when host is assigned to a variable:
    myhost = @host
    • In the customized kickstart template, use the redhat_register snippet instead of subscription_manager_registration snippet.

      • The snippet used in the versions before Satellite 6.4 was:

        <%= snippet "subscription_manager_registration" %>
      • The snippet used from Satellite 6.4 onwards is:

        <%= snippet 'redhat_register' %>
  • After upgrading Satellite to version 6.4, verify all templates, parameters, lookup keys, and values of the old-syntax and replace them manually.

  • You can run the following query on the Satellite server to check what templates are still using the old syntax.

    # su - postgres -c "psql foreman -c \"select name, type, snippet from templates where template ilike '%host.params%';\""

Root Cause

  • Red Hat Satellite 6.4 upgrade process automatically tries to find macros that have been deprecated and convert them into new syntax for all templates, parameters, and lookup keys and values but this is done only for read-only (default) templates. All customized templates need to be modified manually.

  • From Satellite 6.4 onwards, the subscription_manager_registration snippet has been deprecated and replaced with redhat_register snippet.

Diagnostic Steps

  • The following error can be seen in /var/log/foreman/production.log.

    2018-04-29T08:11:03 [W|app|eac4b] There was an error rendering the Satellite Kickstart Default Finish template:
    | ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method '#params' for Host::Managed::Jail (Host::Managed)
    | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/safemode-1.3.4/lib/safemode/jail.rb:22:in `method_missing'
    | Satellite Kickstart Default Finish:66:in `bind'
    | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/safemode-1.3.4/lib/safemode.rb:51:in `eval'
    | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/safemode-1.3.4/lib/safemode.rb:51:in `eval'
    | /usr/share/foreman/lib/foreman/renderer.rb:128:in `render_safe'
    | /usr/share/foreman/lib/foreman/renderer.rb:246:in `unattended_render'

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