foreman-maintain upgrade check command fails with an error "Could not acquire change log lock" on Red Hat Satellite server.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • Execution of foreman-maintain upgrade check command on Red Hat Satellite server ends with below error message:

    Command output: Liquibase update Failed: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by (192.XXX.X.X) since 6/13/19 3:32 PM
    SEVERE 6/13/19 4:13 PM:liquibase: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by (192.XXX.X.X) since 6/13/19 3:32 PM
    liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by (192.XXX.X.X) since 6/13/19 3:32 PM


  • Check locks on the candlepin database.

    # su - postgres -c "psql candlepin -c \"select * from public.databasechangeloglock;\""
    id | locked |        lockgranted         |                                lockedby 
     1 | t      | 2018-01-01 00:00:00.000+00 | (details)
    (1 row)

    Locked t means that table is really locked.

  • Remove lock.

    # su - postgres -c "psql candlepin -c \"UPDATE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK SET LOCKED=FALSE, LOCKGRANTED=null, LOCKEDBY=null where ID=1;\""
    UPDATE 1
  • Restart postgresql

    # systemctl restart postgresql
  • Check if the lock is gone.

    # su - postgres -c "psql candlepin -c \"select * from public.databasechangeloglock;\""
    id | locked | lockgranted | lockedby 
     1 | f      |             | 
    (1 row)

    Locked f signalize that table is not locked.

Root Cause

  • Usually is table locked by some application to prevent concurrent changes, when that application crashes or is abruptly stopped lock will stay.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check locks on candlepin database

    su - postgres -c "psql candlepin -c \"select * from public.databasechangeloglock;\""
     id | locked |        lockgranted         |                                lockedby                                
      1 | t      | 2018-01-01 00:00:00.000+00 | (details)
    (1 row)

    Locked t means that table is really locked

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