How to configure reverse proxy for HTTPS using squid.

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • squid


  • How to setup squid for the following requirements.
    • Reverse Proxy
    • Squid uses private key and certificate, between the client and proxy server communicate HTTPS.
    • Between proxy server and web server communicate HTTP.


To perform the reverse proxy with HTTPS, add the following settings to squid.conf.

https_port <LISTEN PORT> vhost cert=<CERTIFICATE> key=<PRIVATE KEY>
cache_peer <TARGET IP ADDRESS> parent <DESTINATION PORT> 0 no-query originserver

For example, to <LISTEN PORT> 443, to <TARGET IP ADDRESS> is the IP address of a Web server, to <DESTINATION PORT> is 80, please specify. To <CERTIFICATE> and <PRIVATE KEY> are, provide a certificate file and private key file for the machine squid is running, specify these filepathes.

https_port 443 vhost cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt key=/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.key
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver

If private key is encrypted with RSA/DSA, it needs to decrypt key using by openssl command previously.

In case of RSA:
# mv server.key server.key.encrypt
# openssl rsa -in server.key.encrypt > server.key

In case of DSA:
# mv server.key server.key.encrypt
# openssl dsa -in server.key.encrypt > server.key

After setting, start squid service.

# service squid restart

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