How to handle Evicted pods in OpenShift

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) 4.x


  • What is Evicted status pod?
  • Evicted pods won't be deleted automatically
  • What do we need to do with Evicted status pod?
  • How to clean Evicted pods?


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Pods become Evicted status as a result of eviction and you need to delete them manually.

Eviction happens when:

Kubernetes/OpenShift won't delete pods automatically other than normal scenario and try to keep them for record purposes. So these Evicted pods will not be deleted automatically.

In most cases, pod failover just works and you can delete Evicted pods manually. If you see some failures due to the eviction, the Evicted pod gives you some information like which node was failed.

As an OpenShift admin, you can list evicted pods by:

$ oc get pod --all-namespaces  | grep Evicted

and you can delete them all:

$ oc get pod --all-namespaces  | awk '{if ($4=="Evicted") print "oc delete pod " $2 " -n " $1;}' | sh 
  • If you are using OpenShift Container Platform with v4.12 or newer, instead of Evicted search for ContainerStatusUnknown: oc get pod -A | grep ContainerStatusUnknown.

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