How to change the JAAS role name used by the ActiveMQ web console when security is enabled?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.x
  • Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.x


When enabling security in the ActiveMQ web console, the default role name "admin" is assumed. How can this role name be changed?
E.g. if authenticating against an external security system such as LDAP the administrator role name may be different than "admin".


The ActiveMQ web console in 7.1. is deployed as a war file and resides in

The default role name is configured in WEB-INF/web.xml, in section


In order to change that role name its necessary to extract WEB-INF/web.xml, modify the role name, and update the war file with the modified web.xml file again. You then also need to run an osgi:update on the ActiveMQ web console bundle.

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