How to find out content-views association using postgres database queries in the Red Hat Satellite?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • How to find out content-views association in satellite using postgres database queries.
  • How to find out where the content views is being used ?


Note: Following database queries are sensitive, hence use it carefully. Put proper content view ID/Name and other details in the following queries.

Note also that similar search is available by other means (WebUI, API, hammer) as well.

  • To Login into the database.
# su - postgres -c "psql foreman"  
  • To find out all details of the content-view. Such as ID, Organization id, Created and updated time with the date.
foreman=# SELECT * FROM katello_content_views WHERE name = 'ContentViewToDelete';
  • To find out the hosts which are using a CV named like content-view.
foreman=# SELECT AS hostname, as CV_name FROM hosts H, katello_content_facets KCF, katello_content_views KCV WHERE LIKE '%content-view%' AND = KCF.content_view_id AND KCF.host_id =;
  • To find out the activation keys which are using this content-view, knowing the CV ID or name:
foreman=# SELECT * FROM katello_activation_keys WHERE content_view_id = 123;
foreman=# SELECT * FROM katello_activation_keys KAK, katello_content_views KCV WHERE KAK.content_view_id = AND = 'content-view';
  • To find out all associations of the content-view.
foreman=# SELECT * FROM katello_content_facets WHERE content_view_id= 123;

For more KB articles/solutions related to Red Hat Satellite 6.x Content View Issues, please refer to the Red Hat Satellite Consolidated Troubleshooting Article for Red Hat Satellite 6.x Content View Issues

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