How to test verifying image signatures?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • OpenShift Container Platform
    • 3.6 or later



Here is a steps for the usage.

1. Generate gpg key

1-1. Run rngd to make random digits faster

  # yum install rng-tools
  # rngd -r /dev/urandom     # We run rngd because to makes random digits faster.

1-2. Generate gpg key

  # gpg --gen-key
  // if it is just for a test, you don't need to care the input //

  # gpg --list-key
  pub   1024D/A6E57A17 2017-12-18 [expires: 2020-12-17]
  uid                  Kenjiro <>

2. Push the signed image

NOTE: There are several ways to sign your image. We introduce a way by using skopeo's copy.

2-1. Add cluster image-singer role to the user

  // Run as cluster-admin //
  # oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:image-signer <USER_NAME>

2-2. Sign image by skopeo

IMPORTANT: Replace with e-mail address you input by step-1.
IMPORTANT: Replace demo1 with a name of your project.

  # skopeo --debug --tls-verify=false copy --sign-by --dest-creds "`oc whoami`":"`oc whoami -t`" --dest-tls-verify=false docker:// atomic:docker-registry.default.svc:5000/demo1/signed:latest

  // Please make sure you don't get any error //
  DEBU[0003] Got body: {"kind":"ImageSignature","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"sha256:7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380@f93f76ca5ec1d19cf54b8eb2bc5da925","selfLink":"/oapi/v1/imagesignatures/sha256%3A7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380%40f93f76ca5ec1d19cf54b8eb2bc5da925","uid":"7711432d-e393-11e7-8f2a-001a4a40dca2","creationTimestamp":"2017-12-18T01:33:35Z"},"type":"atomic","content":"owFNkD9LA0EQxS/xbySCKURIY9hCC02ym8veXa4TRPwAWmi3tzsXF3N3YW8TjCG9ZQrBNoUERGzsRAtr0/gFLLXURhCszCESu2HmzZvfvP7ilJHOZb6Hg+Hr6Upq9NjzjEM7/9FFXEktOWsgt4ukgFBL3UlqEfFjUEUFPigIOSB30qrLWKtOSYDPWg1ditvcpRjjsoAgIuVY1kMQboNpiDXqbSIZsDr88wxYKP3xrChkPZG4KD5iFWq5tuUQsKsVTqioYF5xhOlbjFgUaNXxmEmJwFUCrMZtn1pVoB6mFnhAasKzTQcnx3SnmbAyHQWSF3gUaiZDUIWEiumWgkQUNbWMwt+nuYKxWE12cImUcFFAG43dZDAmZEETuYQSk1rYIbTXO9uZNnJpY3YmnYRoLGSW/qL9XDYGd9cHJ5n0+tVlqj+/cf7U2N26fTAGN/fZudXsW35v+53vfz1frOVHLz8="}
  DEBU[0003] Got content-type: application/json
  • Once the image copy was succeeded, you can see the image by oc get istag
  # oc get istag
  NAME            DOCKER REF                                                                                                              UPDATED          IMAGENAME
  signed:latest   docker-registry.default.svc:5000/demo1/signed@sha256:7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380   19 minutes ago   sha256:7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380

3. Execute oc adm verify-image-signature

3-1. Add system:image-auditor to cluster role

  // Run as cluster-admin //
  # oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:image-auditor <USER>

3-2. Run oc adm verify-image-signature (finally!)

NOTE: Please check sha256:xxxx by oc get istag
NOTE: Replace demo1 with your project.

  # oc adm verify-image-signature sha256:7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380 --expected-identity=docker-registry.default.svc:5000/demo1/signed:latest --public-key ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
  image "sha256:7681e742c15d20c28d3f6a165e548ba351d041ea9c7f564e5b056ebe19db7380" identity is now confirmed (signed by GPG key "09FAA6A0A6E57A17")

Root Cause

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