Process of purging and removing AMQ selectors

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss A-MQ 6.x
  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.x


  • What are the best practices on removing selectors
  • How to ensure selector cache is cleared when removing consumer applications which use selectors


This is only applicable to brokers with the virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin configured.

Option 1 - deleting individual selectors

Installing the virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin should instantiate a JMX mbean that will allow listing, deleting individual and purging all selectors for a given consumer queue.

These operations are exposed via Hawtio under the "plugins" tree of the broker view (see attached screenshot).

  • Click on the "selectorsForDestination" operation, you should see a a dialog box for specifying the destination.

  • To list the selectors for a particular queue, fill in the box with the queue name in URI format, like "queue://Consumer.1.MyVirtualTopic" and click the "execute" button.
    You should see a list of selectors.

  • If you have more than one selector listed, this would be an indication of some problem (note that the single word "TRUE" is also a selector that essentially means "all") - either the client has been restarted with a new selector, or perhaps an additional client has started with the same consumer prefix.

  • After viewing the selectors, you can opt to execute either the

    • "deleteAllSelectorsForDestination" operation to clear the selector cache for the given consumer queue (using the URI format, as above),
    • deleteSelectorForDestination operation. This operation takes two arguments:
      The destination name in URI format, as above, and the the selector expression you wish to delete.

Option 2 - Deleting all selectors

  • Alternatively, you can purge all cached selectors by stopping the broker, deleting the file and starting the broker back up.
  • Location of file can be found in the broker configuration
<virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin persistFile="${data}/" singleSelectorPerDestination="true"/>

Will Selectors be recreated?

  • The selectors should be recreated when the consumers connect to the broker.


Diagnostic Steps

Selectors should be removed from cache when

  • There is an update to the selectors
  • There are duplicate selectors

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