Creating a new project results in an error. What to do?

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The actions that you should take will depend on the nature of the error. The first step to take is to enable the Chrome console log to provide you with detailed information on the any error that you encounter. Some possible project creation errors and their workarounds are:

- Error code 500 (service error) - This general error is usually accompanied by a second, more specific error. If the second error includes an error code of 400 (bad request), you may need to have Red Hat try detaching and re-attaching your github account to OSIO and then try again to create the a project.
- Error code 503 (service unavailable) - The most likely cause of this error is that the Jenkins service in your tenant space is not running. The workaround is to restart the Jenkins pod, and then try again to create the a project.
- Error code 401 (permissions error) - This is an intermittent error related to the creation of the project's code repository in github. If you see this error, just try again to create a new project.
- Error in the Jenkins log that indicates that the project's jar file cannot be found - The problem might be that the project is running out of space on the the maven .m2 repository's Persistent Volume (PV). The steps to take are: ** oc project [your username]-jenkins ** oc get pods (look for the name of the "content repository" pod, for example: "content-repository-5-3cw6j") ** oc exec -ti content-repository-5-3cw6j bash ** rm -rf /var/www/html/content/repositories
- Error in the Jenkins log that indicates - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace - The workaround is to restart the Jenkins pod.
- The new project's Che codespace is not created due to a 504 (timeout) error - This is an intermittent error. If you see this error, just try again to create a new project.
