What kind of OpenShift Online resources does OpenShift.io make use of?

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For your OSO username of ID the following resources are used

- namespace ${ID}: contains your BuildConfigs and Builds of any pipelines along with a jenkins Service. If running integration tests these will run pods in this namespace. You should not have a jenkins here. By default on OSO if you create a BuildConfig with a pipeline then OSO will lazily create a Jenkins here, we use a jenkins service here to prevent that. If one gets created you will probably want to delete your jenkins DeploymentConfig, ReplicationControllers and Pods
- namespace: ${ID}-stage: the stage environments for your apps you stage via pipelines
- namespace: ${ID}-run: the main running environment for your apps you promote from staging via pipelines
- namespace: ${ID}-che: contains your Che workspaces
- namespace: ${ID}-jenkins: contains your Jenkins master pod along with the content-repository for storing released artifacts. Also contains any S2I Build objects used inside a pipeline and any build pipeline pods.
