How to upgrade Postgresql92 database to Postgresql95 on Red Hat Satellite 5.7?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 5.7


  • Latest postgresql92-postgresql-9.2.15 available on satellite-5.7 repository is vulnerable to following CVE's:
  • How to migrate PostgreSQL database from postgresql92 to postgresql95


  • PostgreSQL92 collection is EOL now. So, satellite 5.7 database need to migrate from Postgresql92 to Postgresql95

CAUTION: please ensure that there is enough free space under the /var/opt directory. The amount of free space required should be at least equal to the size of your /opt/rh/postgresql92/root/var/lib/pgsql/ directory.

To migrate the Database:

a) Update the Satellite server to get latest rh-postgresql95-postgresql and dependencies that are available from satellite-5.7-server repository:

        # yum update 

b) Run the following command on your database machine (NOTE: in the embedded-database case this is the Satellite system itself; otherwise, run the command on the system running your PostgreSQL database):

        # /usr/bin/spacewalk-upgrade-postgresql    

This will migrate the database to psql 9.5 and remove old postgresql92 package.

c) Also, update the satellite-schema version if update available:

       # rhn-schema-version 
       # spacewalk-schema-upgrade 

Root Cause

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