High numbers of 'Send-Q' and 'Recv-Q' in 'netstat' or 'ss' output.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • What are the Send-Q and Recv-Q counters in netstat or ss command output ?
  • Does a non-zero value like below in these columns indicate an system level issue ?
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign address        State
tcp        0      0 localhost.domain:51282    ::ffff:192.168.X.Y:1540  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0     97 localhost.domain:51281    ::ffff:192.168.X.Y:1540  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost.domain:51280    ::ffff:192.168.X.Y:1540  ESTABLISHED
  • What action needs to be taken in such situation ?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (All versions)
  • netstat command
  • ss command

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