Why each time when running yum the following message displayed: "Please use yum-config-manager to configure which software repositories are used with Red Hat Subscription Management"?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • yum
  • System registered to RHN using Red Hat Subscription Management
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Each time when yum runs, it shows the following message:

Please use yum-config-manager to configure which software
repositories are used with Red Hat Subscription Management.


This message is coming from subscription-manager yum plugin, and is there for informational purposes.

As product subscriptions are attached to systems, the associated content repositories (identified in the subscription certificate) are made available to the system. The content repositories are based on the product and on the content delivery network, defined in the baseurl parameter of the rhsm.conf file.

A subscription may include access to optional content repositories along with the default repositories. These optional repositories must be enabled before the packages in them can be installed (even if the system has the appropriate subscriptions for the products in those repositories).

To get list of all available repositories for the system, including disabled repositories:

    [root@server ~]# yum repolist all
    repo id                      repo name                           status
    rhel-6-server                Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Server -  enabled
    rhel-6-server-beta           Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Server Be enabled
    rhel-6-server-optional-rpms  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Server Op disabled
    rhel-6-server-supplementary  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Server Su disabled
  • Component
  • yum

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