How do I configure a binding set without having it injected in JBoss EAP 5.x
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 5.1.2
- Is there a way to configure the binding set so that it only injects the bean for the binding set the running instance has selected? We need a a global template which ties applications to specific binding sets and are looking to have hundreds of instances installed.
- Is there a best practise guide for configuring the Service Binding Manager (SBM) in EAP 5?
1) Edit $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/bindingservice.beans/META-INF/bindings-jboss-beans.xml and add
.. .. ..
<bean name="ServiceBindingManager" class="">
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
<bean name="CustomOffsetMap" class="java.util.Hashtable">
<map class="java.util.Hashtable" keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
<bean name="ServiceBindingManagementObject"
<!-- The name of the set of bindings to use for this server -->
<!-- The binding sets -->
<inject bean="PortsDefaultBindings"/>
<inject bean="SystemPropertiesConfigured"/>
<!-- Base binding metadata that is used to create bindings for each set -->
<parameter><inject bean="StandardBindings"/></parameter>
<bean name="SystemPropertiesConfigured" class="">
<value-factory bean="CustomOffsetMap" method="get">
<!-- The ports-default bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and adding 0 to each port value -->
<bean name="PortsDefaultBindings" class="">
<!-- The name of the set -->
<!-- Default host name -->
<!-- The port offset -->
<!-- Set of bindings to which the "offset by X" approach can't be applied -->
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
2) Start the jboss instance with selecting the preferred binding set e.g
./ -c QA-Profile -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-qa
./ -c UAT-Profile -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-uat
Key things to note:
1) Port offset configured in section CustomOffsetMap
2) SystemPropertiesConfigured
3) PortsDefaultBindings
is the only binding set, from the default configuration, that needs to remain
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