How to create / rebuild a new sudoers file in redhat 7.3
Hi Team,
I am new to unix and post editing the sudoers file in my Lab redhat machine i guess i tampered it.
I have a application who's account had to be added there to provide certain set of permissions.
Post editing i guess it corrupt.
When my monitoring tool deploys the Monitoring Agent on the Unix machine i get this error:
Failed to install kit. Exit code: 1
Standard Output: Sudo path: /usr/bin/
Standard Error: sudo: >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 1 <<<
sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 1
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
Exception Message:
Does any one know how do i rebuild a new fresh sudoers file in Red hat 7.3