Compliance policy without scap content raise an error "undefined method digest for nil:NilClass"

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.2


  • Creating compliance policy without "Scap Content" should not be allowed but it's allowed in satellite 6.2 See upstream BZ.

  • Running puppet agent on client will fail to generate ENC and raise below error in prodution.log

Failed to generate external nodes for scapclient.example.tst
 | NoMethodError: undefined method `digest' for nil:NilClass
 | /home/ares/Projekty/Zdrojaky/foreman_openscap/app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:168:in `to_enc'
 | /home/ares/Projekty/Zdrojaky/foreman_openscap/app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/host_extensions.rb:68:in `map'
 | /home/ares/Projekty/Zdrojaky/foreman_openscap/app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/host_extensions.rb:68:in `policies_enc'


  • Login to Satellite webui and go to Hosts -> Policies
  • Look for policy where Scap Content is blank
  • Edit the policy, set correct Scap Content and Submit

Root Cause

  • Compliance policy created without Scap Content

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