What information does the virt-who tool pass to subscription-manager when configured in VMware ESX mode?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 and 6


  • What information does virt-who pull from vCenter?
  • Does virt-who keep this information local or provide it to the customer portal?


  • virt-who passes the uuid of the guest, which will then be mapped to the host uuid, to subscription-manager.
  • The information is stored in the system facts file /var/lib/rhsm/facts/facts.json .
  • subscription-manager which then sends the information to the server to which the guest is registered (Customer Portal, Subscription Asset Manager (SAM), or System Engine).
  • virt-who can query hostname only if hypervisor_id configuration option is set to hostname and if the hostname is not supplied, it might get an IP address from /etc/sysconfig/virt-who file.
  • virt-who only queries for basic information about hosts and guests including hostname, UUID and structure how they are connected together.

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