LogCleanupCommand executor command cleans up data for active processes in JBoss BPM Suite 6

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (BPMS) 6.4.x


  • LogCleanupCommand executor command cleans up process logs associated with active processes;
  • LogCleanupCommand cleans up data from variableinstancelog and nodeinstancelog tables associated with active processes. Only processinstancelog is filtered by status completed and aborted in LogCleanupCommand class.


This issue has been fixed in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6.4 Update 3 or latest version. Please apply the latest update and try again.

A workaround for previous versions would be to use ForProcess or ForDeployment parameters when creating the JOB:

ForProcess: Process definition id that logs should be removed for;
ForDeployment: Deployment id that logs should be removed for.

Root Cause

RHBPMS-4623 and RHBPMS-4622 are the related jiras.

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