How to change syncing policy for Repositories on Satellite 6 from "Immediate" to "On-Demand".
- Red Hat Satellite 6
- 6.3 - 6.9 (pulp-2)
- 6.11+ (pulp-3)
- no procedure exists for 6.10
- Need to change syncing policy from "Immediate" to "On-Demand" in order to free disk space.
Please note the below procedure(s) can work on either Satellite 6.9 or older (with pulp-2), or on 6.11 or newer (with pulp-3 AND "Reclaim Space" feature implemented). There is no procedure for Satellite 6.10.
WARNING: This will remove all RPMs that were uploaded via hammer or the UI for repositories that are not synchronized from a remote source. These packages will need to be re-uploaded after running the below steps.
WARNING: This action is irreversible and data-loss may occur as you are forcibly removing all previously downloaded and uploaded RPMs. Creating a VM snapshot or backing up your Satellite before performing this operation is highly recommended
1) Backup your Satellite 6 Server using foreman-maintain. (including pulp content)
2) During the below steps, prevent any repository synchronization and ideally also client yum/dnf activity.
3) Change policy for each repository to "On-Demand" using the rake command below:
Note: This will also change the kickstart repositories to on demand which might be something you do not want - manual change for those repos e.g. in WebUI must follow
# foreman-rake katello:change_download_policy DOWNLOAD_POLICY=on_demand
Now, follow steps depending on Satellite / pulp version:
Subsequent step for Sat 6.11+ (pulp-3)
For any repository that changed Download Policy to On Demand, Reclaim its space. Either via WebUI -> the repository page -> Select Action -> Reclaim Space, or e.g. via hammer repository reclaim-space
Subsequent steps for Sat 6.9 or older (pulp-2)
4) Delete all the files on the file system which are stored at:
# rm -rf /var/lib/pulp/content/units/{rpm,srpm,drpm,distribution}
5) Update the database with the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pymongo import MongoClient
except ImportError:
print 'Error: PyMongo module is not installed'
client = MongoClient()
db = client.pulp_database
collections_list = [db.units_rpm, db.units_srpm, db.units_drpm, db.units_distribution]
def mongoupdate(collection):
print "Updating collection " +
results = collection.update_many(
{"downloaded": True},
{"$set": {"downloaded": False}}
print 'Done, updated ' + str(results.modified_count) + " records \n"
for i in collections_list:
count = 0
for i in collections_list:
print '\nChecking if there are any downloaded packages left at ' + + '\n'
cur = i.find({"downloaded": True})
for k in cur:
count += 1
print ' Amount of downloaded packages ' + str(count) + '\n'
count = 0
6) Reload pulp:
# for i in pulp_resource_manager pulp_workers pulp_celerybeat pulp_streamer; do service $i restart; done
7) Resync all the repos with hammer using the --skip-metadata-check true
for id in $(hammer -u $USER -p $PASSWORD repository list | grep yum | awk '{ print $1 }'); do
echo "repository synchronize --id $id --skip-metadata-check=yes --async"
done | hammer -u $USER -p $PASSWORD shell
For more KB articles/solutions related to Red Hat Satellite 6.x Repository Issues, please refer to the Red Hat Satellite Consolidated Troubleshooting Article for Red Hat Satellite 6.x Repository Issues.
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