How to use mirrored queues?

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  • Fuse Message Broker all versions


How to use mirrored queues?

What are mirrored queues?


A mirrored queue acts like a WireTap EIP in the sense that all messages sent to that queue are also published to a topic. Subscribers to that topic then receive a copy of all messages.
E.g. if a producer sends messages to a queue named Foo.Bar which is configured to be a mirrored queue, then a topic subscriber can connect to the topic VirtualTopic.Mirror.Foo.Bar and receive copies of every messages being sent to the queue Foo.Bar.

The idea of mirrored queues is to provide a way to monitor every message coming into a queue without actually impacting the message flow. This could also be achieved by browsing with the difference that browsing a queue will not create copies of the messages being browsed. Also, once a message is mirrored if no publishers are subscribed to the mirror the message is lost.

To enable mirror queues simply add the following entry to the broker config:

  <mirroredQueue copyMessage = "true" postfix=".qmirror" prefix=""/>

With this entry every queue will have a mirror topic with the postfix ".qmirror".

Also see the Mirrored Queues documentation at Apache.

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