How do I create JMS temporary destinations programatically?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Fuse Message Broker 5.5.x
  • Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.x


How do I create a temporary destination using the Active MQ API?


You can create a temporary topic using the createTemporaryTopic() method on your jms session.

The topic will persist for the duration of the topic connection. If you wish to create temporary Queue you would use the createTemporaryQueue() method instead.


public void testCreateTemporaryTopicThenCreateATopicFromItsName() throws Exception {
   Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
   Topic tempTopic = session.createTemporaryTopic();
   String name = tempTopic.getTopicName();"Created topic named: " + name);
   Topic createdTopic = session.createTopic(name);
   assertEquals("created topic not equal to temporary topic", tempTopic, createdTopic);

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