Red Hat CloudForms REST API
Using the Red Hat CloudForms REST API
1. Specification
1.1. HTTP Basics
1.1.1. REST API Entry Point
The REST API is available via the /api
URL prefix. It is accessed on the Red Hat CloudForms server as follows:
{ "name" : "API", "description" : "REST API", "version" : "2.0.0", "versions" : [ { "name" : "2.0.0", "href" : "https://hostname/api/v2.0.0" }, ] "collections" : [ { "name" : "automation_requests", "href" : "https://hostname/api/automation_requests", "description" : "Automation Requests" }, { "name" : "availability_zones", "href" : "https://hostname/api/availability_zones", "description" : "Availability Zones" }, ... ] }
is the current API version, accessible via either of the following: - /api/
- /api/v2.0.0/
lists all the earlier API versions that are still exposed via their respective entry points: - /api/vVersion/
1.1.2. Supported Content Types
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
1.1.3. URL Paths
The recommended convention for URLs is to use alternative collection or resource path segments, relative to the API entry point as described in the following example:
URL | Description |
/api | The REST API Entrypoint |
/api/vVersion | The REST Entrypoint for a specific version of the REST API |
/api/:collection | A top-level collection |
/api/:collection/:id | A specific resource of that collection |
/api/:collection/:id/:subcollection | Sub-collection under the specific resource |
1.1.5. Updating Resources
Use the following methods to update attributes in a resource:
Update a resource via the
HTTP Method -
Update a resource via a
Method with an edit action. -
Update a resource via the
HTTP Method
While PUT
is the common method, the PATCH
mechanism gives better control on which attribute to edit or add, and enables removal, which is not available with the other two methods.
1.1.6. Modifying Resource Attributes
PUT /api/vms/42
{ "name" : "A new VM name", "description" : "A Description for the new VM" }
POST /api/vms/42
{ "action" : "edit", "resource" : { "name" : "A new VM name", "description" : "A Description for the new VM" } }
PATCH /api/vms/42
[ { "action": "edit", "path": "name", "value": "A new VM name" }, { "action": "add", "path": "description", "value": "A Description for the new VM" }, { "action": "remove", "path": "policies/3/description" } ]
In the PATCH
implementation, path either references local attributes or attributes from a related resource in a subcollection.
1.1.7. Return Codes
- 200 OK - The request has succeeded without errors, this code should be returned for example when retrieving a collection or a single resource.
- 201 Created - The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The resource is available before this status code is returned. The response includes the HTTP body of the newly created resource.
- 202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. Like, resource is not fully available yet. This status code is usually returned when the resource creation happens asynchronously. In this case the HTTP response includes a pointer to monitor or a job where the client can query to get the current status of the request and the estimate on when the request will be actually fulfilled.
204 No Content - The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body, and might want to return updated meta information. This HTTP response is commonly used for the
requests, as the resource that was deleted does not exists anymore.
Client Errors
- 400 Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. In REST API this status code should be returned to client when the client use the wrong combination of attributes, like expanding the non-existing collection, or using the pagination parameter incorrectly. Another use-case could be creating or performing actions on the resource, when the wrong JSON serialization of the resource or action is used.
- 401 Unauthorized - The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. If the request include Authenticate header, then this HTTP status code might indicate that the current user is not authorized to perform given action or to access given resource.
- 403 Forbidden - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help in this case. This HTTP status code might indicate that the action performed is not supported for this resource or collection.
- 404 Not Found - In this case, the server has not found anything that matches with the URL.
- 415 Unsupported Media Type - The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. This error must be returned, when the client is explicitly asking for format other than JSON (application/json).
Server Errors
- 500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. This error code must be used when an exception is raised in the application and the exception has nothing to do with the client request.
1.1.8. CRUD Examples
The following examples show the basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using the REST API.
The commands below use basic authentication via the --user admin:smartvm
credentials argument. For multiple API calls, it is recommended to access the Red Hat CloudForms REST API via token-based authentication. See Authentication for details.
curl --user admin:smartvm -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" https://hostname/api/services
curl --user admin:smartvm -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" https://hostname/api/services/1
curl --user admin:smartvm -i -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{ "type" : "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager", "name" : "RHEVM Provider", "hostname" : "", "ipaddress" : "", "credentials" : { "userid" : "admin", "password" : "12345" } }' https://hostname/api/providers
curl --user admin:smartvm -i -X PUT -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{ "name" : "updated service name" }' https://hostname/api/services/1
curl --user admin:smartvm -i -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" https://hostname/api/services/1
1.2. Authentication
There are two methods of authentication for the Red Hat CloudForms REST API:
- Basic Authentication: The user and password credentials are passed in with each HTTP request.
- Token based Authentication: The client requests a token for the username/password credentials specified. Then the token is used in lieu of the username/password for each subsequent API call.
1.2.1. Using Basic Authentication
The following example demonstrates how to use basic authentication:
$ curl --user username:password -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" https://hostname/api/services/1013
Red Hat recommends token-based authentication for multiple REST API calls.
1.2.2. Using Authentication Tokens
Authentication Tokens:
- Are associated with the user credential.
- Provide the necessary identification for RBAC in subsequent REST calls.
- Expire after a certain amount of time (10 minutes by default).
$ curl --user username:password -i X GET -H "Accept: application/json" https://hostname/api/auth
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "auth_token" : "af0245-238722-4d23db", "expires_on" : "2013-12-07T18:20:07Z" }
$ curl -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: af0245-238722-4d23db" https://hostname/api/services/1013
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Application" ...
When a request fails due to an invalid token, the client must re-authenticate with the user credentials to obtain a new Authentication Token.
1.3. JSON Specification
The API uses JSON throughout; the Content-Type for all requests and responses is application/json
As is general practice with REST, clients should not make assumptions about the server’s URL space. Clients are expected to discover all URL’s by navigating the API. To keep this document readable, we still mention specific URL’s, generally in the form of an absolute path. Clients should not use these, or assume that the actual URL structure follows these examples, and instead use discovered URL’s. Any client should start its discovery with the API entry point, here denoted with /api
1.3.1. Basic types
The following are basic data types and type combinators that are used throughout:
Name | Explanation | Example serialization |
Integer | Integer value | { "id" : 10 } |
String | JSON string | { "state" : "running" } |
URL | Absolute URL | { "href" : "http://SERVER/vms/1/start" } |
Timestamp | Timestamp in ISO8601 format | { "created" : "2013-12-05T08:15:30Z" } |
Array[T] | Array where each entry has type T | { "vms" : [ { "id" : 1 }, { "id" : 2 }] } |
Ref[T] | A reference to a T, used to model relations, the T is a valid Resource identifier | { "vm" : { "href" : URL } } |
Collection | Array[T] where T represents a Ref[T], this might allow actions to be executed on all members as a single unit | { "vms" : { "count" : 2, "resources" : [ { "href" : URL}, { "href" : URL } ], "actions" : [] } |
Struct | A structure with sub-attributes | "power_state": {"state" : "ON", "last_boot_time" : "2013-05-29T15:28Z", "state_change_time" : "2013-05-29T15:28Z"} |
1.3.2. Common Attributes and Actions
The following describes attributes and actions that are shared by all resources and collections defined in this API.
Table 1. Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Integer | An integer identifier for the referenced resource |
href | Ref(self) | A unique self reference |
name | String | A human name of the resource |
{ "href" : "https://hostname/api/resources/1", "id" : 1, "name" : "first_resource" }
Table 2. Actions
Action | HTTP method | Description |
create | POST | Create new resource in the collection |
edit | PUT/PATCH/POST | Edit attributes in resource |
delete | DELETE | Delete resource |
The availability of these common actions depends on the role and permissions that the current API user has for a particular resource.
1.3.3. Collections
Resources can be grouped into collections. Each collection is unordered, and is homogeneous so that it contains only one type of resource. Resources can also exist outside any collection; these resources are referred to as singleton resources. Collections are themselves resources as well.
Collections can exist globally, at the top level of an API, and can also be contained inside a single resource. The latter are referred to as sub-collections. Sub-collections are usually used to express a relationship where one resource is contained within another.
Collections are serialized in JSON in the following way:
{ "name" : "String", "count": String, "subcount": String, "resources": [ ... ], "actions": [ ... ] }
attribute in a collection always denotes the total number of items in the collection, not the number of items returned. -
attribute in a collection depicts the number of items returned. -
attribute is an Array[T], where T might be a list of references to the T or, if expanded, a list of resources with all attributes. -
attribute contains an Array of actions that can be performed against the collection resources.
1.3.4. Action Specification
The representation of each resource will only contain an action and its URL if the current user is presently allowed to perform that action against that resource. Actions will be contained in the actions
attribute of a resource; that attribute contains an array of action definition, where each action definition has a rel, method and a href attribute.
attribute contains the action name -
attribute states the HTTP method that must be used in a client HTTP request in order to perform the given action (eg. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) -
attribute contains the absolute URL that the HTTP request should be performed against -
is an optional attribute that references a JSON document which describes the resource attributes that can be provided in the message body when performing this action. This description indicates which of those attributes are mandatory and which are optional.
The resource representation might include the resource attributes as they can change the way how the action is actually performed. In the example below, the first resource is started with enable_ipmi
attribute, but the second resource omits this attribute which means the default value will be used.
Sample JSON request body for collection action:
POST /api/vms
{ "action": "start", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/1", "enable_ipmi" : "enabled", "initial_state" : "started" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/2" } ] }
Actions in collection:
{ "name" : "String", "count": String, "subcount": String, "resources": [ ... ], "actions": [ { "name" : "shutdown", "method" : "post", "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "restart", "method" : "post", "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "poweron", "method" : "post", "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "poweroff", "method" : "post", "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "suspend", "method" : "post", "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "edit", "method" : "post", "form" : { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms?form_for=add" }, "href" : "URL" }, { "name" : "destroy", "method" : "delete", "href" : "URL" } ] }
In cases where no attributes are required to perform an action the HTTP body will contain an empty JSON document, in which case default values will be assigned to the corresponding attributes.
Sample JSON request body for resource action:
POST /api/vms/123
{ "action" : "start", "resource" : { "enable_ipmi" : "enabled" } }
POST /api/vms/321
{ "action" : "start", "resource" : {} }
Actions in a resource:
{ "href" : "Ref(self)", "id" : Integer, "name" : "resource human name", "actions" : [ { "name" : "edit", "method" : "post", "form" : { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms?form_for=edit" }, "href" : "URL" } ] }
1.3.5. Forms
serialization. In a case when no form is referenced, the action does not require any attributes to be performed.
Resource including an action with a Form:
{ "href" : "Ref(self)", "id" : Integer, "name" : "resource human name", "actions": [ { "name : "edit", "method" : "post", "form" : { "href" : "https://hostname/vms?form_for=edit" }, "href" : "URL" } ] }
GET /api/vms?form_for=edit HTTP/1.1
Example of a Form:
{ "required" : [ "name", "host" ], "optional" : [ "description" ] "internal" : [ "power_state", "created_on"] }
The following describes the semantics of the attribute identifiers:
- required - These attributes must be specified for the action to be carried out.
- optional - These are optional attributes, which may be specified and processed by the action. These may be shown in a UI but not enforced.
- internal - It is not necessary to define these, but they are required for a UI form to show and extended a form with more attributes than the required and optional identifiers permit. This identifier shows what attributes are system managed and not modifiable by the REST client.
1.4. Query Specification
This specification identifies the controls available when querying collections.
1.4.1. Control Attributes
The controls are specified in the GET URL as attribute value pairs as follows:
GET /api/resources?ctl1=val1&ctl2=val2
Category | Attribute | Semantics |
Paging | ||
offset | 0-based offset of first item to return | |
limit | number of items to return. If 0 is specified then the remaining items are returned | |
Scope | ||
filter[] | One or more filters to search on. See Filtering below. | |
attributes=atr1,atr2,… | Which attributes in addition to id and href to return. If not specified or all (default is attributes=all), then all attributes are returned | |
expand=resources | To expand the resources returned in the collection and not just the href. See Expanding Collection below | |
Sorting | ||
sort_by=atr1,atr2,… | By which attribute(s) to sort the result by | |
sort_order=ascending or descending | Order of the sort |
attribute in a collection always denotes the total number of items in the collection, not the number of items returned. -
attribute in a collection denotes the number of items from the collection that were returned, for example as the result of a paged request.
1.4.2. Filtering
requests against collections support the following query parameters to enable filtering:
: The SQL filter to use for querying the collection.
GET /api/resources?filter[]=name='myservice%25'
The query above requests resources that begin with the name myservice
. String values must be contained in single or double quotes. Special characters within the quotes must be URL encoded. In the example above, the database wildcard character, %
, is encoded as %25
1.4.3. Expanding Collections
While in the JSON serialization example the description says that the resource might be a list of references to the resource, using the expand
parameter returns a full JSON serialization of the resource instead:
GET /api/vms
{ "name" : "vms" "count": 2, "subcount": 2, "resources": [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/1" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/2" } ], "actions": [] }
GET /api/vms?expand=resources
{ "name" : "vms" "count": 2, "subcount": 2, "resources": [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/1", "id" : 1, "name" : "My First VM", ... }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/2", "id" : 2, "name" : "My Second VM", ... } ], "actions": [] }
2. Reference Guide
2.1. Authentication
Type | Mechanism |
Basic Authentication | Basic HTTP Authorization with user and password |
Token Based Authentication | |
- Acquiring Token | /api/auth with Basic Authentication |
- Authenticating with Token | X-Auth-Token Header |
2.2. HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
Authorization | Basic base64_encoded(user:password) |
X-Auth-Token | Token provided by /api/auth |
Accept | application/json |
Content-Type | application/json |
2.3. Listing and Querying Collections and Sub-Collections
Feature | Path |
Listing Available Collections | /api |
Listing Collections | /api/<collection> |
Listing Sub-Collections | /api/<collection>/<id>/<sub-collection> |
Querying Capability | Query Parameters |
Paging | offset, limit |
Sorting | sort_by=attr, sort_order=asc|desc |
Filtering | filter[]="…" |
Querying by Tag | i.e. by_tag=/department/finance |
Expanding Results | expand=<what>, i.e. expand=resources,tags,service_templates,… |
Selecting Attributes | attributes=<attr1>,<attr2>,… i.e. attributes=id,name,type,… |
Attributes can be: | |
Database columns | |
Virtual attributes | |
Relationships |
2.4. Collection Queries
Collection | URL |
Automation Requests | /api/automation_requests |
Availability Zones | /api/availability_zones |
Clusters | /api/clusters |
Conditions | /api/conditions |
Datastores | /api/data_stores |
Events | /api/events |
Flavors | /api/flavors |
Groups | /api/groups |
Hosts | /api/hosts |
Policies | /api/policies |
Actions | /api/policy_actions |
Policy Profiles | /api/policy_profiles |
Providers | /api/providers |
Provision Requests | /api/provision_requests |
Request Tasks | /api/request_tasks |
Requests | /api/requests |
Resource Pools | /api/resource_pools |
Roles | /api/roles |
Security Groups | /api/security_groups |
EVM Servers | /api/servers |
Service Catalogs | /api/service_catalogs |
Service Requests | /api/service_requests |
Service Templates | /api/service_templates |
Services | /api/services |
Tags | /api/tags |
Tasks | /api/tasks |
Templates | /api/templates |
Users | /api/users |
Vms | /api/vms |
Zones | /api/zones |
For example queries, see Queries.
2.5. Sub-Collection Queries
Sub-Collection | URL |
Tagging | /api/<collection>/:id/tags |
Policies | /api/<collection>/:id/policies |
Policy Profiles | /api/<collection>/:id/policy_profiles |
Service Requests | /api/service_templates/:id/service_requests |
Request Tasks | |
/api/service_requests/:id/request_tasks | |
/api/automation_requests/:id/request_tasks | |
/api/provision_requests/:id/request_tasks | |
Request Tasks can also be accessed via the tasks alias | |
/api/service_requests/:id/tasks | |
/api/automation_requests/:id/tasks | |
/api/provision_requests/:id/tasks |
2.6. Available Actions
Action | Method | URL | Example |
Add Service Catalog | POST | /api/service_catalogs | |
Add Service Catalogs | POST | /api/service_catalogs | |
Edit Service Catalog | POST | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Edit Service Catalogs | POST | /api/service_catalogs | |
Automation Request | POST | /api/automation_requests | |
Automation Requests | POST | /api/automation_requests | |
Edit Service | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Edit Service via PUT | PUT | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Edit Service via PATCH | PATCH | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Edit Services | POST | /api/services/ | |
Assign Tags to a Service | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Assign a Tag by Name to a Service | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Assign a Tag by Name to a Service | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Unassign Tags from Service | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Retire Service Now | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Retire Service in Future | POST | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Retire Services | POST | /api/services | |
Delete Service | DELETE | /api/services/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Delete Services | POST | /api/services | |
Edit Service Template | POST | /api/service_templates/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Edit Service Templates | POST | /api/service_templates | |
Assign Tags to Service Template | POST | /api/service_templates/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Unassign Tags from Service Template | POST | /api/service_templates/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/tags | |
Delete Service Template | DELETE | /api/service_templates/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Delete Service Templates | POST | /api/service_templates | |
Assign Service Templates | POST | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/service_templates | |
Unassign Service Templates | POST | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/service_templates | |
Order Service | POST | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/service_templates | |
Order Services | POST | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable>/service_templates | |
Delete Service Catalog | DELETE | /api/service_catalogs/<replaceable>id</replaceable> | |
Delete Service Catalogs | POST | /api/service_catalogs | |
Provision Request | POST | /api/provision_requests | |
Provision Requests | POST | /api/provision_requests | |
Create a Provider | POST | /api/providers | |
Create a Provider with Compound Credentials | POST | /api/providers | |
Edit a Provider | POST | /api/providers | |
Update a Provider | POST | /api/providers | |
Delete a Provider | POST | /api/providers | |
Delete Multiple Providers | POST | /api/providers | |
Refresh a Provider | POST | /api/providers | |
Scan a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Set Owner of a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Add a Lifecycle Event to a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Add an Event to a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Start a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Stop a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Suspend a VM | POST | /api/vms | |
Delete VMs | DELETE | /api/vms |
2.7. Provisioning Request Attributes
2.7.1. Provisioning Request Attribute Groups
Attribute Group | Type | Description |
version | string | Interface version. Defaults to 1.1 |
template_fields | hash | Fields used to find the template virtual machine. Provide any or all fields. Supply a guid or ems_guid to protect against matching same-named templates on different Providers within the appliance. Supported fields are: name=[VM Template Name] Example: template_1 guid=[guid value from vms resource] ems_guid=[uid_ems value from vms resource] |
vm_fields | hash | Allows for setting properties on the Service Catalog, Hardware, Network, Customize, and Schedule tabs in the Provisioning dialog. |
requester | hash | Allows for the setting of properties on the Requester tab in the Provisioning dialog. |
tags | hash | Tags to apply to newly created virtual machine. Example: network_location=Internal cc=001 |
additional_values | hash | Additional values are name-value pairs stored with a provision request, but not used by the core provisioning code. These values are usually referenced from automate methods for custom processing. Example: Store a request_id from an external system so the system can be notified during the provisioning process. |
ems_custom_attributes | hash | Custom attributes applied to the virtual machine through the Provider as part of provisioning. |
miq_custom_attributes | hash | Custom attributes applied to the virtual machine and stored in the database as part of provisioning. |
2.7.2. Service Catalog Attributes
These attributes are used in the vm_fields
attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
number_of_vms | integer | Number of virtual machines - maximum 50 | 1 |
vm_description | string | Virtual machine description - maximum 100 characters | |
vm_prefix | string | Virtual machine name prefix or suffix | |
src_vm_id | integer | Name | |
vm_name | string | Virtual machine name | |
pxe_image_id | string | Image | |
pxe_server_id | integer | Server | |
host_name | string | Host name | |
provision_type | string | Provision type | vmware |
linked_clone | boolean | Linked clone | false |
snapshot | string | Snapshot | |
vm_filter | integer | Filter |
2.7.3. Hardware Attributes
These attributes are used in the vm_fields
attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description | Values | Default |
disk_format | string | Disk format | thick, thin, unchanged | unchanged |
cpu_limit | integer | CPU (MHz) | ||
memory_limit | integer | Memory (MB) | ||
number_of_sockets | integer | Number of sockets | 1, 2, 4, 8 | 1 |
cores_per_socket | integer | Cores per socket | 1, 2, 4, 8 | 1 |
cpu_reserve | integer | CPU (MHz) | ||
vm_memory | string | Memory (MB) | 1024, 2048, 4096 | 1024 |
memory_reserve | integer | Memory (MB) | ||
network_adapters | integer | Network adapters | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 1 |
2.7.4. Network Attributes
These attributes are used in the vm_fields
attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description |
vlan | string | vLAN |
mac_address | string | MAC address |
2.7.5. Custom Attributes
These attributes are used in the vm_fields
attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description | Values | Default |
dns_servers | string | DNS server list | ||
sysprep_organization | string | Organization | ||
sysprep_password | string | New administrator password | ||
sysprep_custom_spec | string | Name | ||
sysprep_server_license_mode | string | Identification | perServer, perSeat | |
ldap_ous | string | LDAP group | ||
sysprep_timezone | string | Timezone | ||
dns_suffixes | string | DNS suffix list | ||
sysprep_product_id | string | ProductID | ||
sysprep_identification | string | Identification | domain, workgroup | |
sysprep_per_server_max_connections | string | Maximum connections | 5 | |
sysprep_computer_name | string | Computer name | ||
sysprep_workgroup_name | string | Workgroup name | WORKGROUP | |
sysprep_spec_override | boolean | Override specification | false | |
addr_mode | string | Address mode | static, dhcp | dhcp |
linux_host_name | string | Computer name | ||
sysprep_domain_admin | string | Domain admin | ||
sysprep_change_sid | boolean | Change SID | true | |
sysprep_domain_name | string | Domain name | ||
sysprep_upload_file | string | Upload | ||
gateway | string | Gateway | ||
ip_addr | string | IP address | ||
linux_domain_name | string | Domain name | ||
sysprep_domain_password | string | Domain password | ||
sysprep_auto_logon | boolean | Auto Logon | true | |
sysprep_enabled | string | Customize | disabled | |
sysprep_delete_accounts | boolean | Delete accounts | false | |
sysprep_upload_text | string | Sysprep text | ||
wins_servers | string | WINS server list | ||
subnet_mask | string | Subnet mask | ||
sysprep_full_name | string | Full name | ||
sysprep_auto_logon_count | integer | Auto logon count | 1, 2, 3 | 1 |
customization_template_id | integer | Script name | ||
root_password | string | Root password | ||
hostname | string | Host name | ||
customization_template_script | string | Script text |
2.7.6. Schedule Attributes
These attributes are used in the vm_fields
attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description | Values | Default |
schedule_type | string | When to provision | schedule, immediately (On Approval) | immediately |
vm_auto_start | boolean | Power on virtual machines after creation | true | |
schedule_time | time | Time to provision on | ||
retirement | integer | Time until retirement | 0 (Indefinite), 1.month, 3.months, 6.months | 0 |
retirement_warn | integer | Retirement warning | 1.week, 2.weeks, 30.days | 1.week |
2.7.7. Requester Attributes
These attributes are used in the requester attribute group:
Attribute | Type | Description |
owner_phone | string | Phone |
owner_country | string | Country/Region |
owner_phone_mobile | string | Mobile phone |
owner_title | string | Title |
owner_first_name | string | First name |
owner_manager | string | Manager name |
owner_address | string | Address |
owner_company | string | Company |
owner_last_name | string | Last name |
owner_manager_email | string | Manager e-mail address |
owner_city | string | City |
owner_department | string | Department |
owner_load_ldap | button | Look up LDAP e-mail address |
owner_manager_phone | string | Manager phone |
owner_state | string | State |
owner_office | string | Office |
owner_zip | string | Zip code |
owner_email | string | |
request_notes | string | Notes |
2.7.8. Environment Attributes
These attributes cannot be passed directly. To use these attributes, provide additional_values and allow customization methods to use these attributes, then modify the request accordingly.
Attribute | Type | Description | Values | Default |
new_datastore_grow_increment | integer | Grow increment (GB) | ||
new_datastore_create | boolean | Create datastore | false | |
placement_cluster_name | integer | Name | ||
new_datastore_aggregate | string | Aggregate | ||
new_datastore_max_size | integer | Max size (GB) | ||
new_datastore_storage_controller | string | Controller | ||
cluster_filter | integer | Filter | ||
host_filter | integer | Filter | ||
ds_filter | integer | Filter | ||
new_datastore_volume | string | Volume | ||
placement_host_name | integer | Name | ||
placement_ds_name | integer | Name | ||
new_datastore_fs_type | string | FS Type | NFS, VMFS | NFS |
rp_filter | integer | Filter | ||
new_datastore_thin_provision | string | Thin provision | ||
placement_auto | boolean | Choose automatically | false | |
new_datastore_size | integer | Size (GB) | ||
new_datastore_autogrow | string | Autogrow | false | |
placement_folder_name | integer | Name | ||
new_datastore_name | string | Name | ||
placement_rp_name | integer | Name | ||
placement_dc_name | integer | Name |
3. Examples
This section provides a collection of examples of using the REST API to interact with resources in a Red Hat CloudForms environment.
3.1. General Queries
This section introduces a number of general examples of how to use the REST API to query resources, and return information about resources and events.
3.1.1. Queries
Query all virtual machines:
GET /api/vms
Query a specific virtual machine:
GET /api/vms/1386
Query all virtual machines, but return only the name and vendor:
GET /api/vms?expand=resources&attributes=name,vendor
Query all virtual machines named sample*, and return the name and vendor:
GET /api/vms?expand=resources&attributes=name,vendor&filter[]="name='sample%'"
Query all virtual machines, but only return the first 500 results:
GET /api/vms?offset=0&limit=500
Query all virtual machines, but return the second 500 results:
GET /api/vms?offset=500&limit=500
Query the first 1000 virtual machines named test*, get the name, vendor, and guid, and sort by name in ascending order:
GET /api/vms?offset=0&limit=1000&filter[]="name='test%'"&expand=resources&attributes=name,vendor,guid&sort_by=name&sort_order=asc
Query services tagged for the finance department:
GET /api/services?by_tag=/department/finance
Get the details of tags for the first service:
GET /api/services/1/tags?expand=resources
Get the details of the first service catalog and related details on the assigned service templates:
GET /api/service_catalogs/1?expand=service_templates
GET /api/service_templates/25/service_requests?expand=resources,request_tasks
Get a specific provision request with expanded details on the associated provision request tasks:
GET /api/provision_requests/120?expand=tasks
3.1.2. Paging Queries
This series of requests shows paging queries and the expected responses for each subsequent page. Request:
GET /api/vms?offset=0&limit=500 &sort_order=asc&sort_by=name &expand=resources&attributes=name Response:
{ "name": "vms", "count": 1912, "subcount": 500, "resources": [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/176", "id": 176, "name": "53 Zone1" }, ... { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1575", "id": 1575, "name": "VmEmpty-3de98f0f-c6f3-4f8b-a932-554713a61067" } ], "actions": [ ] } Request:
GET /api/vms?offset=500&limit=500 &sort_order=asc&sort_by=name &expand=resources&attributes=name Response:
{ "name": "vms", "count": 1912, "subcount": 500, "resources": [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1574", "id": 1574, "name": "VmEmpty-3e13ff43-6907-4a22-8f95-58aeb1bffa0b" }, ... { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1076", "id": 1076, "name": "VmEmpty-9a885181-7771-4f91-9805-245c7606d833" } ], "actions": [ ] } Request:
GET /api/vms?offset=1000&limit=500 &sort_order=asc&sort_by=name &expand=resources&attributes=name Response:
{ "name": "vms", "count": 1912, "subcount": 500, "resources": [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1074", "id": 1074, "name": "VmEmpty-9ab9e101-92b0-4b6b-864e-e196538da8a8" }, ... { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/575", "id": 575, "name": "VmEmpty-f251f135-01c8-4d44-b8e1-37b30844a9dd" } ], "actions": [ ] } Request:
GET /api/vms?offset=1500&limit=500 &sort_order=asc&sort_by=name &expand=resources&attributes=name Response:
{ "name": "vms", "count": 1912, "subcount": 412, "resources": [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/574", "id": 574, "name": "VmEmpty-f28912f3-b096-487f-9763-97b39b67364b" }, ... { "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1907", "id": 1907, "name": "yy_vm" } ], "actions": [ ] }
In this last request, the subcount was less than the requested page size, thus denoting the last page of data being returned.
3.1.3. Querying a Delete Task Request:
GET /api/tasks/625 Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/625", "id": 625, "name": "Provider id:106 name:'rhevm102' deleting", "state": "Finished", "status": "Ok", "message": "Task completed successfully", "userid": "admin", "created_on": "2015-05-06T14:02:26Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-06T14:02:32Z" }
3.2. Service Catalogs
This section provides examples of how to interact with service catalogs.
3.2.1. Adding a Sample Service Catalog Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs
{ "action" : "create", "resource" : { "name" : "Sample Service Catalog", "description" : "Description of Sample Service Catalog", "service_templates" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/3" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/4" } ] } } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 7, "name": "Sample Service Catalog", "description": "Description of Sample Service Catalog" } ] }
3.2.2. Adding Multiple Service Catalogs Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs
{ "action" : "create", "resources" : [ { "name" : "First Sample Service Catalog", "description" : "Description of First Sample Service Catalog", "service_templates" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/2" } ] }, { "name" : "Second Sample Service Catalog", "description" : "Description of Second Sample Service Catalog", "service_templates" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/3" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/4" } ] }, { "name" : "Third Sample Service Catalog", "description" : "Description of Third Sample Service Catalog", "service_templates" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/6" } ] } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 8, "name": "First Sample Service Catalog", "description": "Description of First Sample Service Catalog" }, { "id": 9, "name": "Second Sample Service Catalog", "description": "Description of Second Sample Service Catalog" }, { "id": 10, "name": "Third Sample Service Catalog", "description": "Description of Third Sample Service Catalog" } ] }
3.2.3. Assigning Service Templates to Service Catalogs Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs/6/service_templates
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Service Template id:5 name:'template5'", "service_template_id": 5, "service_template_href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6" }, { "success": false, "message": "Service Template 1 is currently assigned to Service Catalog 3", "service_template_id": 1, "service_template_href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6" } ] }
3.2.4. Editing a Service Catalog Request:
POST /api/service_catalog/7
{ "action" : "edit", "resource" : { "description" : "Updated Description of the Seventh Service Catalog" } } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/7", "id": 7, "name": "Sample Service Catalog", "description": "Updated Description of the Seventh Service Catalog", "service_templates": { "count": 1, "resources": [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/7/service_templates/3" } ] } }
3.2.5. Editing Multiple Service Catalogs Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs
{ "action" : "edit", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/3", "description" : "Updated Description for Third Service Catalog" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6", "description" : "Updated Description for Sixth Service Catalog" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Service Catalog B Added from REST API", "description": "Updated Description for Third Service Catalog" }, { "id": 6, "name": "Service Catalog E Added from REST API", "description": "Updated Description for Sixth Service Catalog" } ] }
3.2.6. Ordering a Single Service from a Service Catalog Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs/1/service_templates
{ "action" : "order", "resource" : { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/3", "option_0_vm_target_name" : "test-vm-0001", "option_0_vm_target_hostname" : "test-vm-0001" } } Response:
{ results: [ { "approval_state": "pending_approval", "created_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "description": "Provisioning Service [aws-ubuntu-api] from [aws-ubuntu-api]", "destination_id": null, "destination_type": null, "fulfilled_on": null, "id": 13, "message": "Service_Template_Provisioning - Request Created", "options": { "dialog": { "dialog_option_0_vm_target_name" : "test-vm-0001", "dialog_option_0_vm_target_hostname" : "test-vm-0001" } } "request_state": "pending", "request_type": "clone_to_service", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "source_id": 6, "source_type": "ServiceTemplate", "status": "Ok", "updated_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "userid": "admin" } ] }
3.2.7. Ordering Multiple Services from a Service Catalog Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs/2/service_templates
{ "action" : "order", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/3", "option_1_vm_target_name" : "sample-vm-1201", "option_2_vm_target_hostname" : "sample-vm-1201" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/3", "option_1_vm_target_name" : "sample-vm-1202", "option_2_vm_target_hostname" : "sample-vm-1202" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/4", "option_1_vm_target_name" : "dev-vm1", "option_2_vm_target_hostname" : "dev-vm1", "option_3_vm_memory" : '16384' }, ] } Response:
{ results: [ { "approval_state": "pending_approval", "created_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "description": "Provisioning Service [sample-vm-1201] from [sample-vm-1201]", "destination_id": null, "destination_type": null, "fulfilled_on": null, "id": 13, "message": "Service_Template_Provisioning - Request Created", "options": { "dialog": { "dialog_option_0_vm_target_name" : "test-vm-0001", "dialog_option_0_vm_target_hostname" : "test-vm-0001" } } "request_state": "pending", "request_type": "clone_to_service", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "source_id": 6, "source_type": "ServiceTemplate", "status": "Ok", "updated_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "userid": "admin" }, { "approval_state": "pending_approval", "created_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "description": "Provisioning Service [sample-vm-1202] from [sample-vm-1202]", "destination_id": null, "destination_type": null, "fulfilled_on": null, "id": 13, "message": "Service_Template_Provisioning - Request Created", "options": { "dialog": { "dialog_option_0_vm_target_name" : "test-vm-0001", "dialog_option_0_vm_target_hostname" : "test-vm-0001" } } "request_state": "pending", "request_type": "clone_to_service", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "source_id": 6, "source_type": "ServiceTemplate", "status": "Ok", "updated_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "userid": "admin" }, { "approval_state": "pending_approval", "created_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "description": "Provisioning Service [sample-vm-1201] from [sample-vm-1201]", "destination_id": null, "destination_type": null, "fulfilled_on": null, "id": 13, "message": "Service_Template_Provisioning - Request Created", "options": { "dialog": { "dialog_option_0_vm_target_name" : "test-vm-0001", "dialog_option_0_vm_target_hostname" : "test-vm-0001" } } "request_state": "pending", "request_type": "clone_to_service", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "source_id": 6, "source_type": "ServiceTemplate", "status": "Ok", "updated_on": "2014-07-02T19:28:12Z", "userid": "admin" } ] }
3.2.8. Unassigning Service Templates from a Service Catalog Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs/6/service_templates
{ "action" : "unassign", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/8" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": false, "message": "Service Template 1 is not currently assigned to Service Catalog 3", "service_template_id": 1, "service_template_href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6" }, { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Service Template id:5 name:'template5'", "service_template_id": 5, "service_template_href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6" }, { "success": false, "message": "Couldn't find ServiceTemplate with id=8", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/6" } ] }
3.2.9. Deleting Multiple Service Catalogs Request:
POST /api/service_catalogs
{ "action" : "delete", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/8" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/9" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/10" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "service_catalogs id: 8 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/8" }, { "success": true, "message": "service_catalogs id: 9 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/9" }, { "success": true, "message": "service_catalogs id: 10 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_catalogs/10" } ] }
3.3. Tags
This section provides examples of how to interact with tags.
3.3.1. Assigning Tags to a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "category" : "location", "name" : "ny" }, { "category" : "department", "name" : "finance" }, { "category" : "environment", "name" : "dev" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'environment' name:'dev'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "environment", "tag_name": "dev" } ] }
3.3.2. Assigning Tags by Name to a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "name" : "/department/finance" }, { "name" : "/location/ny" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" } ] }
3.3.3. Assigning Tags by Reference to a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/1/tags/49" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance", "tag_href": "https://hostname/api/tags/49" } ] }
3.3.4. Assigning Tags to a Service Template Request:
POST /api/service_templates/1/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "category" : "location", "name" : "ny" }, { "category" : "department", "name" : "finance" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" } ] }
3.3.5. Assigning Tags to a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "name" : "/department/finance" }, { "name" : "/location/ny" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'environment' name:'dev'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "environment", "tag_name": "dev" } ] }
3.3.6. Assigning Tags by Name to a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "name" : "/department/finance" }, { "name" : "/location/ny" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" }, { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" } ] }
3.3.7. Assigning Tags by Reference to a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/101/tags
{ "action" : "assign", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/1/tags/49" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Assigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance", "tag_href": "https://hostname/api/tags/49" } ] }
3.3.8. Unassigning Tags from a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "unassign", "resources" : [ { "category" : "department", "name" : "finance" }, { "category" : "environment", "name" : "dev" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" }, { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'environment' name:'dev'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "environment", "tag_name": "dev" } ] }
3.3.9. Unassigning a Tag by Name from a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "unassign", "resources" : [ { "name" : "/managed/department/finance" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" } ] }
3.3.10. Unassigning a Tag by Reference from a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101/tags
{ "action" : "unassign", "resources" : [ { "href" : "tags/49" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance", "tag_href": "https://hostname/api/tags/49" } ] }
3.3.11. Unassigning Tags from a Service Template Request:
POST /api/service_templates/1/tags
{ "action" : "unassign", "resources" : [ { "category" : "location", "name" : "ny" }, { "category" : "department", "name" : "finance" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'location' name:'ny'", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "tag_category": "location", "tag_name": "ny" }, { "success": true, "message": "Unassigning Tag: category:'department' name:'finance'", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "tag_category": "department", "tag_name": "finance" } ] }
3.4. Automation Requests
This section provides examples of how to interact with automation requests.
3.4.1. Triggering a Single Automation Request
With automation requests:
version defaults to
if not specified. -
user_name defaults to the
authenticated user if not specified. Request:
POST /api/automation_requests
{ "version" : "1.1", "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "var1" : "xxxxx", "var2" : "yyyyy", "var3" : 1024, "var4" : true, "var5" : "last value" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "admin", "auto_approve" : true } }
Optionally, the action-based request format is also supported: Request:
POST /api/automation_requests
{ "action" : "create", "resource" : { "version" : "1.1", "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "var1" : "xxxxx", "var2" : "yyyyy", "var3" : 1024, "var4" : true, "var5" : "last value" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "admin", "auto_approve" : true } } } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 12, "description": "Automation Task", "approval_state": "approved", "type": "AutomationRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-16T21:49:55Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-16T21:49:55Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "request_type": "automation", "request_state": "pending", "status": "Ok", "options": { "message": "create", "namespace": "System", "class_name": "Request", "instance_name": "InspectME", "user_id": 1, "attrs": { "var1": "xxxxx", "var2": "yyyyy", "var3": 1024, "var4": true, "var5": "last value", "userid": "admin" } }, "userid": "admin" } ] }
3.4.2. Triggering Multiple Automation Requests
With automation requests:
version defaults to
if not specified. -
user_name defaults to the
authenticated user if not specified. Request:
POST /api/automation_requests
{ "action" : "create", "resources" : [ { "version" : "1.1", "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "vm_name" : "test_1", "var2" : "yyyyy", "var3" : 1024, "var4" : true, "var5" : "last value" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "jdoe", "auto_approve" : true } }, { "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "vm_name" : "test_2", "vm_memory" : 1024, "memory_limit" : 16384 }, "requester" : { "auto_approve" : true } }, { "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "vm_name" : "test_3", "vm_memory" : 2048, "memory_limit" : 16384 }, "requester" : { "auto_approve" : true } }, { "uri_parts" : { "namespace" : "System", "class" : "Request", "instance" : "InspectME", "message" : "create" }, "parameters" : { "vm_name" : "test_4", "vm_memory" : 4096, "memory_limit" : 16384 }, "requester" : { "auto_approve" : true } } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 14, "description": "Automation Task", "approval_state": "approved", "type": "AutomationRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "requester_id": 13, "requester_name": "aab", "request_type": "automation", "request_state": "pending", "status": "Ok", "options": { "message": "create", "namespace": "System", "class_name": "Request", "instance_name": "InspectME", "user_id": 13, "attrs": { "vm_name": "test_1", "var2": "yyyyy", "var3": 1024, "var4": true, "var5": "last value", "userid": "aab" } }, "userid": "aab" }, { "id": 15, "description": "Automation Task", "approval_state": "approved", "type": "AutomationRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "request_type": "automation", "request_state": "pending", "status": "Ok", "options": { "message": "create", "namespace": "System", "class_name": "Request", "instance_name": "InspectME", "user_id": 1, "attrs": { "vm_name": "test_2", "vm_memory": 1024, "memory_limit": 16384, "userid": "admin" } }, "userid": "admin" }, { "id": 16, "description": "Automation Task", "approval_state": "approved", "type": "AutomationRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "request_type": "automation", "request_state": "pending", "status": "Ok", "options": { "message": "create", "namespace": "System", "class_name": "Request", "instance_name": "InspectME", "user_id": 1, "attrs": { "vm_name": "test_3", "vm_memory": 2048, "memory_limit": 16384, "userid": "admin" } }, "userid": "admin" }, { "id": 17, "description": "Automation Task", "approval_state": "approved", "type": "AutomationRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-16T21:59:42Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "request_type": "automation", "request_state": "pending", "status": "Ok", "options": { "message": "create", "namespace": "System", "class_name": "Request", "instance_name": "InspectME", "user_id": 1, "attrs": { "vm_name": "test_4", "vm_memory": 4096, "memory_limit": 16384, "userid": "admin" } }, "userid": "admin" } ] }
3.5. Provisioning Requests
This section provides examples of how to interact with provisioning requests.
3.5.1. Triggering a Single Provision Request
With provisioning requests:
version defaults to
if not specified. -
user_name defaults to the
authenticated user if not specified. Request:
Provisioning requests are made available via the following entrypoint, either by specifying a create
action or by posting the request directly to /api/provision_requests
POST /api/provision_requests
{ "version" : "1.1", "template_fields" : { "guid" : "afe6e8a0-89fd-11e3-b6ac-b8e85646e742" }, "vm_fields" : { "number_of_cpus" : 1, "vm_name" : "aab_rest_vm1", "vm_memory" : "1024", "vlan" : "rhevm" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "jdoe", "owner_first_name" : "John", "owner_last_name" : "Doe", "owner_email" : "", "auto_approve" : true }, "tags" : { "network_location" : "Internal", "cc" : "001" }, "additional_values" : { "request_id" : "1001" }, "ems_custom_attributes" : { }, "miq_custom_attributes" : { } }
Optionally, the action-based request format is also supported: Request:
POST /api/provision_requests
{ "action" : "create", "resource" : { "version" : "1.1", "template_fields" : { "guid" : "afe6e8a0-89fd-11e3-b6ac-b8e85646e742" }, "vm_fields" : { "number_of_cpus" : 1, "vm_name" : "aab_rest_vm1", "vm_memory" : "1024", "vlan" : "rhevm" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "jdoe", "owner_first_name" : "John", "owner_last_name" : "Doe", "owner_email" : "", "auto_approve" : true }, "tags" : { "network_location" : "Internal", "cc" : "001" }, "additional_values" : { "request_id" : "1001" }, "ems_custom_attributes" : { }, "miq_custom_attributes" : { } } } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 18, "description": "Provision from [bd-clone-template] to [aab_rest_vm1]", "approval_state": "pending_approval", "type": "MiqProvisionRequest", "created_on": "2015-05-08T17:42:55Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-08T17:42:55Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "Administrator", "request_type": "template", "request_state": "pending", "message": "VM Provisioning - Request Created", "status": "Ok", "options": { "use_pre_dialog": false, "request_type": "template", "miq_request_dialog_name": "miq_provision_redhat_dialogs_template", "owner_first_name": "John", "owner_last_name": "Doe", "owner_email": "", "vm_tags": [ 62, 58 ], "addr_mode": [ "static", "Static" ], "placement_cluster_name": [ null, null ], "cluster_filter": [ null, null ], "placement_auto": [ true, 1 ], "placement_dc_name": [ null, null ], "number_of_vms": [ 1, "1" ], "src_vm_id": [ 1947, "bd-clone-template" ], "provision_type": [ "native_clone", "Native Clone" ], "linked_clone": [ null, null ], "vm_name": "aab_rest_vm1", "pxe_server_id": [ null, null ], "schedule_type": [ "immediately", "Immediately on Approval" ], "vm_auto_start": [ true, 1 ], "schedule_time": "2015-05-09T13:42:54-04:00", "retirement": [ 0, "Indefinite" ], "retirement_warn": [ 604800, "1 Week" ], "stateless": [ false, 0 ], "vlan": [ "rhevm", "rhevm" ], "disk_format": [ "default", "Default" ], "number_of_sockets": [ 1, "1" ], "cores_per_socket": [ 1, "1" ], "vm_memory": [ "1024", "1024" ], "network_adapters": [ 1, "1" ], "placement_host_name": [ null, null ], "placement_ds_name": [ null, null ], "src_vm_nics": [ ], "src_vm_lans": [ ], "customize_enabled": [ "enabled" ], "src_ems_id": [ 105, "rhevm230" ], "auto_approve": false, "ws_values": { "request_id": "1001" }, "ws_ems_custom_attributes": { }, "ws_miq_custom_attributes": { } }, "userid": "jdoe", "source_id": 1947, "source_type": "VmOrTemplate" } ] }
3.5.2. Triggering Multiple Provision Requests
With provisioning requests:
version defaults to
if not specified. -
user_name defaults to the
authenticated user if not specified. Request:
POST /api/provision_requests
{ "action" : "create", "resources" : [ { "version" : "1.1", "template_fields" : { "guid" : "afe6e8a0-89fd-11e3-b6ac-b8e85646e742" }, "vm_fields" : { "vm_name" : "jdoe_rest_vm1", "number_of_cpus" : 1, "vm_memory" : "1024", "vlan" : "nic1" }, "requester" : { "user_name" : "jdoe", "owner_first_name" : "John", "owner_last_name" : "Doe", "owner_email" : "", "auto_approve" : true }, "tags" : { "network_location" : "Internal", "cc" : "001" }, "additional_values" : { "request_id" : "1001" }, "ems_custom_attributes" : { }, "miq_custom_attributes" : { } }, { "template_fields" : { "guid" : "afe6e8a0-89fd-11e3-b6ac-b8e85646e742" }, "vm_fields" : { "vm_name" : "jdoe_rest_vm2", "number_of_cpus" : 1, "vm_memory" : "2048", "vlan" : "nic1" }, "requester" : { "owner_first_name" : "John", "owner_last_name" : "Doe", "owner_email" : "", "auto_approve" : true }, "tags" : { "network_location" : "Internal", "cc" : "001" }, "additional_values" : { "request_id" : "1002" } }, { "template_fields" : { "guid" : "afe6e8a0-89fd-11e3-b6ac-b8e85646e742" }, "vm_fields" : { "vm_name" : "jdoe_rest_vm3", "number_of_cpus" : 1, "vm_memory" : "4096", "vlan" : "nic1" }, "requester" : { "owner_first_name" : "John", "owner_last_name" : "Doe", "owner_email" : "", "auto_approve" : true }, "tags" : { "network_location" : "Internal", "cc" : "001" }, "additional_values" : { "request_id" : "1003" } } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 19, "description": "Provision from [bd-clone-template] to [aab_rest_vm1]", "approval_state": "pending_approval", "type": "MiqProvisionRequest", "created_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:25Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:26Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "jdoe", "request_type": "template", "request_state": "pending", "message": "VM Provisioning - Request Created", "status": "Ok", "options": { "use_pre_dialog": false, "request_type": "template", "miq_request_dialog_name": "miq_provision_redhat_dialogs_template", "owner_first_name": "John", "owner_last_name": "Doe", "owner_email": "", "vm_tags": [ 62, 58 ], "addr_mode": [ "static", "Static" ], "placement_cluster_name": [ null, null ], "cluster_filter": [ null, null ], "placement_auto": [ true, 1 ], "placement_dc_name": [ null, null ], "number_of_vms": [ 1, "1" ], "src_vm_id": [ 1947, "bd-clone-template" ], "provision_type": [ "native_clone", "Native Clone" ], "linked_clone": [ null, null ], "vm_name": "aab_rest_vm1", "pxe_server_id": [ null, null ], "schedule_type": [ "immediately", "Immediately on Approval" ], "vm_auto_start": [ true, 1 ], "schedule_time": "2015-05-09T14:25:25-04:00", "retirement": [ 0, "Indefinite" ], "retirement_warn": [ 604800, "1 Week" ], "stateless": [ false, 0 ], "vlan": [ "rhevm", "rhevm" ], "disk_format": [ "default", "Default" ], "number_of_sockets": [ 1, "1" ], "cores_per_socket": [ 1, "1" ], "vm_memory": [ "1024", "1024" ], "network_adapters": [ 1, "1" ], "placement_host_name": [ null, null ], "placement_ds_name": [ null, null ], "src_vm_nics": [ ], "src_vm_lans": [ ], "customize_enabled": [ "enabled" ], "src_ems_id": [ 105, "rhevm230" ], "auto_approve": false, "ws_values": { "request_id": "1001" }, "ws_ems_custom_attributes": { }, "ws_miq_custom_attributes": { } }, "userid": "jdoe", "source_id": 1947, "source_type": "VmOrTemplate" }, { "id": 20, "description": "Provision from [bd-clone-template] to [aab_rest_vm2]", "approval_state": "pending_approval", "type": "MiqProvisionRequest", "created_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:28Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:29Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "jdoe", "request_type": "template", "request_state": "pending", "message": "VM Provisioning - Request Created", "status": "Ok", "options": { "use_pre_dialog": false, "request_type": "template", "miq_request_dialog_name": "miq_provision_redhat_dialogs_template", "owner_first_name": "John", "owner_last_name": "Doe", "owner_email": "", "vm_tags": [ 62, 58 ], "addr_mode": [ "static", "Static" ], "placement_cluster_name": [ null, null ], "cluster_filter": [ null, null ], "placement_auto": [ true, 1 ], "placement_dc_name": [ null, null ], "number_of_vms": [ 1, "1" ], "src_vm_id": [ 1947, "bd-clone-template" ], "provision_type": [ "native_clone", "Native Clone" ], "linked_clone": [ null, null ], "vm_name": "aab_rest_vm2", "pxe_server_id": [ null, null ], "schedule_type": [ "immediately", "Immediately on Approval" ], "vm_auto_start": [ true, 1 ], "schedule_time": "2015-05-09T14:25:28-04:00", "retirement": [ 0, "Indefinite" ], "retirement_warn": [ 604800, "1 Week" ], "stateless": [ false, 0 ], "vlan": [ "rhevm", "rhevm" ], "disk_format": [ "default", "Default" ], "number_of_sockets": [ 1, "1" ], "cores_per_socket": [ 1, "1" ], "vm_memory": [ "1024", "1024" ], "network_adapters": [ 1, "1" ], "placement_host_name": [ null, null ], "placement_ds_name": [ null, null ], "src_vm_nics": [ ], "src_vm_lans": [ ], "customize_enabled": [ "enabled" ], "src_ems_id": [ 105, "rhevm230" ], "auto_approve": false, "ws_values": { "request_id": "1001" }, "ws_ems_custom_attributes": { }, "ws_miq_custom_attributes": { } }, "userid": "jdoe", "source_id": 1947, "source_type": "VmOrTemplate" }, { "id": 21, "description": "Provision from [bd-clone-template] to [aab_rest_vm3]", "approval_state": "pending_approval", "type": "MiqProvisionRequest", "created_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:32Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-08T18:25:32Z", "requester_id": 1, "requester_name": "jdoe", "request_type": "template", "request_state": "pending", "message": "VM Provisioning - Request Created", "status": "Ok", "options": { "use_pre_dialog": false, "request_type": "template", "miq_request_dialog_name": "miq_provision_redhat_dialogs_template", "owner_first_name": "John", "owner_last_name": "Doe", "owner_email": "", "vm_tags": [ 62, 58 ], "addr_mode": [ "static", "Static" ], "placement_cluster_name": [ null, null ], "cluster_filter": [ null, null ], "placement_auto": [ true, 1 ], "placement_dc_name": [ null, null ], "number_of_vms": [ 1, "1" ], "src_vm_id": [ 1947, "bd-clone-template" ], "provision_type": [ "native_clone", "Native Clone" ], "linked_clone": [ null, null ], "vm_name": "aab_rest_vm3", "pxe_server_id": [ null, null ], "schedule_type": [ "immediately", "Immediately on Approval" ], "vm_auto_start": [ true, 1 ], "schedule_time": "2015-05-09T14:25:31-04:00", "retirement": [ 0, "Indefinite" ], "retirement_warn": [ 604800, "1 Week" ], "stateless": [ false, 0 ], "vlan": [ "rhevm", "rhevm" ], "disk_format": [ "default", "Default" ], "number_of_sockets": [ 1, "1" ], "cores_per_socket": [ 1, "1" ], "vm_memory": [ "1024", "1024" ], "network_adapters": [ 1, "1" ], "placement_host_name": [ null, null ], "placement_ds_name": [ null, null ], "src_vm_nics": [ ], "src_vm_lans": [ ], "customize_enabled": [ "enabled" ], "src_ems_id": [ 105, "rhevm230" ], "auto_approve": false, "ws_values": { "request_id": "1001" }, "ws_ems_custom_attributes": { }, "ws_miq_custom_attributes": { } }, "userid": "jdoe", "source_id": 1947, "source_type": "VmOrTemplate" } ] }
3.5.3. Monitoring Request
Once a provisioning request is created, the response result will include the queryable provision request itself, for example: /api/provision_requests/:id Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 3068, "description": "Provision from [template1] to [###]", "approval_state": "pending_approval", "type": "MiqProvisionRequest", "created_on": "2015-04-14T17:36:30Z", "updated_on": "2015-04-14T17:36:30Z", "requester_id": 88913, "requester_name": "API User", "request_type": "template", "request_state": "pending", "message": "VM Provisioning - Request Created", "status": "Ok" "options": { "use_pre_dialog": false, "request_type": "template", "miq_request_dialog_name": "miq_provision_dialogs", "src_vm_id": [ 109996, "template1" ], "src_vm_nics": [], "src_vm_lans": [], "src_ems_id": [ 59136, "ems_0000000000002" ], "placement_auto": [ true, 1 ], "vm_tags": [], "ws_values": { }, "ws_ems_custom_attributes": { }, "ws_miq_custom_attributes": { }, "tags": { } }, "userid": "admin", "source_id": 109996, "source_type": "VmOrTemplate" } ] }
In the above example, the request can be queried periodically until the request_state
reaches the finished
state with:
GET /api/provision_requests/3068
The requests
tasks of a provisioning request can also be queried by expanding the request_tasks
subcollection as follows:
GET /api/provision_requests/:id?expand=request_tasks
An alias tasks is also defined for the above subcollection:
GET /api/provision_requests/:id?expand=tasks
For a list of available attributes, see the Provisioning Request Attributes section.
3.6. Providers
This section provides examples of how to interact with providers.
3.6.1. Creating a Provider Request:
POST /api/providers
{ "type" : "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager", "name" : "rhevm101", "hostname" : "rhevm101", "ipaddress" : "100.200.300.101", "credentials" : { "userid" : "admin_account", "password" : "admin_password" } } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 105, "name": "rhevm101", "hostname": "rhevm101", "ipaddress": "100.200.300.101", "created_on": "2015-05-05T15:47:41Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-05T15:47:41Z", "guid": "10360312-f33e-11e4-86c7-b8e85646e742", "zone_id": 1, "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager" } ] }
3.6.2. Creating a Provider with Compound Credentials Request:
POST /api/providers
{ "type" : "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager", "name" : "rhevm102", "hostname" : "rhevm102", "ipaddress" : "100.200.300.102", "credentials" : [ { "userid" : "default_userid", "password" : "default_password" }, { "userid" : "metrics_userid", "password" : "metrics_password", "auth_type" : "metrics" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 106, "name": "rhevm102", "hostname": "rhevm102", "ipaddress": "100.200.300.102", "created_on": "2015-05-05T15:57:44Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-05T15:57:44Z", "guid": "acbd610e-f3f6-11e4-aaba-b8e85646e742", "zone_id": 1, "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager" } ] }
3.6.3. Refreshing a Provider Request:
POST /api/providers/105
{ "action" : "refresh" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "Provider id:105 name:'rhevm105' refreshing", "href": "https://hostname/api/providers/105" }
3.6.4. Updating a Provider Request:
POST /api/providers/106
{ "action" : "edit", "ipaddress" : "100.200.300.112", "credentials" : [ { "userid" : "updated_metrics_userid", "password" : "updated_metrics_password", "auth_type" : "metrics" } ] } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/providers/106", "id": 106, "name": "rhevm102", "hostname": "rhevm102", "ipaddress": "100.200.300.112", "created_on": "2015-05-06T13:49:11Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-06T13:53:06Z", "guid": "acbd610e-f3f6-11e4-aaba-b8e85646e742", "zone_id": 1, "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager" }
3.6.5. Deleting a Provider Deleting a Single Provider Request:
DELETE /api/provider/105
Or via the delete action as follows:
POST /api/provider/105
{ "action" : "delete" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "Provider id:106 name:'rhevm102' deleting", "task_id": 625, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/625", "href": "https://hostname/api/providers/106" }
Delete actions are done asynchronously as it can take a while to complete. The delete task can be queried as follows: Request:
GET /api/tasks/625 Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/625", "id": 625, "name": "Provider id:106 name:'rhevm102' deleting", "state": "Finished", "status": "Ok", "message": "Task completed successfully", "userid": "admin", "created_on": "2015-05-06T14:02:26Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-06T14:02:32Z" } Deleting Multiple Providers Request:
POST /api/providers
{ "action" : "delete", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/providers/107" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/providers/108" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "Provider id:107 name:'rhevm102' deleting", "task_id": 626, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/626", "href": "https://hostname/api/providers/107" }, { "success": true, "message": "Provider id:108 name:'rhevm103' deleting", "task_id": 627, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/627", "href": "https://hostname/api/providers/108" } ] }
3.7. Services
This section provides examples of how to interact with services.
3.7.1. Editing a Service Request:
POST /api/services/101
{ "action" : "edit", "resource" : { "name" : "service_101", "description" : "This is an updated description for service 101" } } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/services/101", "id": 101, "name": "service_101", "description": "This is an updated description for the service 101", "guid": "4a8f96de-a1a6-11e4-9f8d-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-01-21T19:47:11Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:17:15Z" }
3.7.2. Editing Multiple Services Request:
POST /api/services
{ "action" : "edit", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/81", "description" : "This is an updated description for service 81" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/82", "description" : "This is an updated description for service 82" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 81, "name": "api_gen_A_81", "description": "This is an updated description for service 81", "guid": "eb6daaf8-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:43:37Z" }, { "id": 82, "name": "api_gen_A_82", "description": "This is an updated description for service 82", "guid": "eb6de400-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:43:37Z" } ] }
3.7.3. Editing a Resource with the PATCH Method
Supported attribute actions for PATCH include add, edit and remove. Request:
PATCH /api/services/90
[ { "action" : "edit", "path" : "name", "value" : "updated_service_90" }, { "action" : "remove", "path" : "description"} ] Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/services/90", "id": 90, "name": "updated_service_90", "guid": "eb6fc61c-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:38:57Z" }
Note that the description attribute is no longer defined for this service.
3.7.4. Editing a Service with the PUT Method Request:
PUT /api/services/90
{ "name" : "new_service_90", "description" : "This is a new description for service 90" } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/services/90", "id": 90, "name": "new_service_90", "description": "This is a new description for service 90", "guid": "eb6fc61c-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:41:37Z" }
3.7.5. Retiring a Service Immediately Request:
POST /api/services
{ "action" : "retire", "resource" : { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/35" } } Response:
{ "results" : [ { "href": "https://hostname/api/services/95", "id": 95, "name": "sample_service_95", "description": "Description for sample_service_95", "guid": "eb713538-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:32:00Z" } ] }
Alternatively, this can be done by targeting the service directly:
POST /api/services/95
{ "action" : "retire" } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/services/95", "id": 95, "name": "sample_service_95", "description": "Description for sample_service_95", "guid": "eb713538-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:32:00Z" }
3.7.6. Retiring a Service at a Future Time Request:
POST /api/services/93
{ "action" : "retire", "resource" : { "date" : "10/31/2015", "warn" : "7" } } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/services/93", "id": 93, "name": "sample_service_93", "description": "Description for sample_service_93", "guid": "eb709e02-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:40:19Z", "retired": false, "retires_on": "2015-10-30", "retirement_warn": 7 }
3.7.7. Retiring Multiple Services Request:
POST /api/services
{ "action" : "retire", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/100" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/101", "date" : "11/01/2015", "warn" : "4" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/102", "date" : "11/02/2015", "warn" : "4" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 100, "name": "cloud_service_100", "description": "Description for cloud_service_100", "guid": "eb725f94-7c9b-11e4-8a3a-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2014-12-05T16:29:43Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:46:11Z" }, { "id": 101, "name": "cloud_service_101", "description": "Description for cloud_service_101", "guid": "4a8f96de-a1a6-11e4-9f8d-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-01-21T19:47:11Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:46:19Z", "retired": false, "retires_on": "2015-11-01", "retirement_warn": 4 }, { "id": 102, "name": "cloud_service_102", "description": "Description for cloud_service_102", "guid": "e2da0cb0-e47e-11e4-a47f-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-04-16T21:23:55Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-08T19:46:19Z", "retired": false, "retires_on": "2015-11-02", "retirement_warn": 3 } ] }
3.7.8. Deleting Services Request:
POST /api/services
{ "action" : "delete", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/97" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/98" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/services/99" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "services id: 97 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/97" }, { "success": true, "message": "services id: 98 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/98" }, { "success": true, "message": "services id: 99 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/services/99" } ] }
3.8. Virtual Machines
This section provides examples of how to interact with virtual machines.
3.8.1. Scanning a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1922
{ "action": "scan" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1922 name:'aab_test_vm' scanning", "task_id": 618, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/618", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1922" }
Optionally, to query the status of the scan: Request:
GET /api/tasks/618 Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/618", "id": 618, "name": "VM id:1922 name:'aab_test_vm' scanning", "state": "Finished", "status": "Ok", "message": "Task completed successfully", "userid": "admin", "created_on": "2015-05-05T19:37:32Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-05T19:37:38Z" }
3.8.2. Setting the Virtual Machine Owner Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action": "set_owner", "resource" : { "owner" : "admin" } } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' setting owner to 'admin'", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.3. Adding an Event to a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action": "add_event", "resource" : { "event_type" : "BadUserNameSessionEvent", "event_message" : "Cannot login user@test.domain" } } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "Adding Event type=BadUserNameSessionEvent message=Cannot login user@test.domain", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.4. Adding a Lifecycle Event to a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action" : "add_lifecycle_event", "resource" : { "event" : "event_name", "status" : "event_status", "message" : "Message about the event", "created_by" : "user_name" } } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' adding lifecycle event=event_name message=Message about the event", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.5. Starting a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action": "start" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' starting", "task_id": 610, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/610", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.6. Querying Task Progress Request:
GET /api/tasks/620 Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/610", "id": 610, "name": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' starting", "state": "Queued", "status": "Ok", "message": "Queued the action: [VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' starting] being run for user: [admin]", "userid": "admin", "created_on": "2015-05-05T15:58:08Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-05T15:58:08Z" }
3.8.7. Stopping a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action": "stop" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' stopping", "task_id": 619, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/619", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.8. Suspending a Virtual Machine Request:
POST /api/vms/1921
{ "action": "suspend" } Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "VM id:1921 name:'aab_demo_vm' suspending", "task_id": 620, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/620", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/1921" }
3.8.9. Deleting Virtual Machines Deleting a Single Virtual Machine Request:
DELETE /api/vms/334
On success, the virtual machine targeted for deletion asynchronously and no response content with an HTTP status code of 204 are returned. Deleting Multiple Virtual Machines Request:
DELETE /api/vms
{ "action" : "delete", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/348" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/349" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/vms/3" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "VM id:348 name:'aab-temp1' deleting", "task_id": 616, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/616", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/348" }, { "success": true, "message": "VM id:349 name:'aab-temp2' deleting", "task_id": 617, "task_href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/617", "href": "https://hostname/api/vms/349" } ] }
Optionally, monitor the asynchronous virtual machine deletion by accessing the related task as follows: Request:
GET /api/tasks/616 Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/tasks/616", "id": 616, "name": "VM id:348 name:'aab-temp1' deleting", "state": "Finished", "status": "Ok", "message": "Task completed successfully", "userid": "admin", "created_on": "2015-05-05T19:33:35Z", "updated_on": "2015-05-05T19:33:40Z" }
3.9. Service Templates
This section provides examples of how to interact with service templates.
3.9.1. Editing a Service Template Request:
POST /api/service_templates/2
{ "action" : "edit", "resource" : { "name" : "updated_svc_template_02", "description" : "This is an updated description for service template 02" } } Response:
{ "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/2", "id": 2, "name": "updated_svc_template_02", "description": "This is an updated description for service template 02", "guid": "6f7918b4-d6e7-11e4-9837-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-03-30T14:17:02Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:30:02Z", "service_type": "unknown", "service_template_catalog_id": 6 }
3.9.2. Editing Multiple Service Templates Request:
POST /api/service_templates
{ "action" : "edit", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/1", "description" : "This is an updated description for the first sample service template" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/2", "description" : "This is an updated description for the second sample service template" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "id": 1, "name": "template1", "description": "This is an updated description for the first sample service template", "guid": "6a6fdf7e-d6e7-11e4-9837-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-03-30T14:16:53Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:33:09Z", "service_type": "unknown", "service_template_catalog_id": 3 }, { "id": 2, "name": "updated_svc_template_02", "description": "This is an updated description for the second sample service template", "guid": "6f7918b4-d6e7-11e4-9837-b8e85646e742", "options": { }, "created_at": "2015-03-30T14:17:02Z", "updated_at": "2015-04-16T22:33:09Z", "service_type": "unknown", "service_template_catalog_id": 6 } ] }
3.9.3. Deleting Multiple Service Templates Request:
POST /api/service_templates
{ "action" : "delete", "resources" : [ { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/4" }, { "href" : "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5" } ] } Response:
{ "results": [ { "success": true, "message": "service_templates id: 4 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/4" }, { "success": true, "message": "service_templates id: 5 deleting", "href": "https://hostname/api/service_templates/5" } ] }