Technical Restrictions on Fuse Integration Services

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Fuse Integration Services on OSE 3.1

The following technical restrictions apply to a Fuse Integration Services image deployed on OSE 3.1 (where the Fuse Integration Services image is derived from JBoss Fuse 6.2.1):

  • Protocol compatibility and Camel components within a Fuse application: non-HTTP based communications must use TLS and SNI to be routable from outside OpenShift into a Fuse service (Camel consumer endpoint).

  • Messaging services (brokers and destinations) are provided by OpenShift A-MQ images and should not be created directly inside a Fuse application.

  • Live updates to a Karaf runtime are not persisted and will be lost after container restart.

  • Creation and provisioning of Karaf child containers is not supported as these capabilities are supported directly through OpenShift.

  • Maven dependencies directly linked to Fuse components are supported by Red Hat. Third-party Maven dependencies introduced by users will not be supported.

  • Fabric endpoints are not used within an OpenShift environment. Kubernetes services must be used instead.

  • The SSH Agent is not included in the JBoss Fuse micro-container, so you cannot connect to it using the bin/client console client.
