NameNotFoundException when Oracle Service Bus performs a JNDI lookup (with MRG-M as JMS provider)

Solution Verified - Updated -


Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging (MRG-M)


  • We are attempting to integrate Red Hat MRG-M and Oracle Service Bus (OSB) without success.
  • Our intention is to have the OSB route HTTP requests to JMS endpoints.
  • MRG-M is the jms provider.
  • To do this we have created a foreign JMS module pointing to a file based JNDI which contains MRG-M properties i.e. connection factories and destinations.
  • When the container is started the foreign jms module is started correctly and the local jndi names are bound to the jndi tree and point to the remote MRG-M artefacts. Connections are opened to the MRG-M broker and the destinations seem to be initialised correctly.
  • However when the OSB process performs a JNDI lookup of the JNDI based artefacts it throws a name not found exception as it can't seem to find either the local connection factory nor the local jms destination.


Add a JNDI provider resource to the Oracle Service Bus (OSB) service to point to the local Web Logic Server (WLS) JNDI tree.

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