SecurityContext does not clear the credentials of a SOAP-Gateway in FSW

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • SecurityContext does not clear the credentials of a SOAP-Gateway. Consecutive calls to the gateway add the credentials of each call. If we want to extract the credentials later in the exchange we get wrong(previously added) credentials.
    Cause: SecurityContext is a InheritableThreadLocal, so the object is reused for each call with the same thread (http thread).

  • Credentials in the SecurityContext should be empty on each call of the InboundHandler (SOAP).

  • The problem is a result of a misbehavior of the class org.switchyard.handlers.SecurityHandler.
    The SecurityHandler handles the lifecycle of the SecurityContext. and is responsible for cleaning up the credentials. This is not handled correctly.


  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works (FSW)
    • 6.0.0

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