Why does the JVM consume more memory than the amount given to -Xmx?

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  • We currently have JBoss instances with the JVM configured with the -Xmx2048m option. Despite that the output of the top command shows that each Java process is consuming over 3 GB of memory. Why is the Java instance consuming more than 2GB of memory?
  • If maximum heap size given for a JBoss is 2GB then why the same JBoss is consuming memory more than 2GB.
  • Why does our java process's memory usage (resident set size) exceed its configured max heap size?
  • How works the JBoss memory consumption?
  • Why is JBoss memory usage exceeding the MaxHeapSize?


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform (EPP)
  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Web Server (EWS)
  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform (SOA-P)
  • OpenJDK

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