Overcloud satellite 6 registration during deployment doesn't work when using reg-sat-url using https
- I have done an overcloud deployment using the following command:
$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates ~/templates/my-overcloud -e ~/templates/my-overcloud/environments/network-isolation.yaml -e ~/templates/network-environment.yaml -e /home/stack/templates/post_config.yaml --control-scale 3 --compute-scale 1 --control-flavor control --compute-flavor compute --ntp-server time.xyz.abc --rhel-reg --reg-method satellite --reg-org Default_Organization --reg-sat-url https://xyz.com --reg-activation-key OSP
- As you can see, I have specified the following options to do a server registration:
--rhel-reg --reg-method satellite --reg-org Default_Organization --reg-sat-url https:/xyz.com--reg-activation-key OSP
- The deployment finished without an error, But the overcloud nodes were not registered with my satellite server.
- Can you please tell me which exact options I have to specify to do an overcloud server registration during the overcloud registration process?
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.
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