RHN Satellite: Why are scheduled remote commands executed on locked systems?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite 5.4.1
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


    Indicates whether a system has been locked.
    Actions cannot be scheduled for locked systems through the web interface until the lock is removed manually. 
    This does not include preventing auto-errata updates scheduled through the web interface.
  • Why are scheduled remote command executions executed on locked systems?


This is a known bug in Red Hat Satellite. Please contact your support representative for a workaround or if you need updates on the bug report.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Lock the system in the RHN Satellite web gui.

  • Schedule a remote command execution in the web gui.

  • Run 'rhn_check -vvvv' on the client system:

D: handle_action {'action': "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>script.run</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><int>330</int></value>\n</param>\n<param>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>username</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>groupname</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>now</name>\n<value><string>2012-07-30 15:42:22</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>timeout</name>\n<value><int>600</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>script</name>\n<value><string>#!/bin/sh\ntouch /tmp/jentrena2</string></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n", 'version': 2, 'id': 330}
D: handle_action actionid = 330, version = 2
D: do_call script.run (330, {'username': 'root', 'groupname': 'root', 'now': '2012-07-30 15:42:22', 'timeout': 600, 'script': '#!/bin/sh\ntouch /tmp/jentrena2'}) {'cache_only': None}
D: Sending back response (0, 'Script executed', {'output': '', 'base64enc': 1, 'process_end': '2012-07-30 15:42:22', 'return_code': 0, 'process_start': '2012-07-30 15:42:22'})
  • Action is scheduled and executed.

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