System Information Collected by Red Hat Insights

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View data collected by the insights-client uploader

Red Hat Insights collects specific system metadata for analysis. The insights-client --no-upload command enables users to view all of their collected metadata without uploading anything to Red Hat Insights servers. Consult the table below to learn more about the default collection mechanism for a particular version and the full list of commands leveraged by the client.

insights client/egg version default collection mechanism full list of commands
client version >= 3.1.0 & egg version >= 3.4.17 core collection1 datasource catalog
client version >= 3.1.0 & 3.0.210 <= egg version < 3.4.17 core collection2 datasource catalog
3.0.6 < client version < 3.1.0 & 3.0.210 <= egg version < 3.4.17 simple commands and files3 uploader.v2.json
client version < 3.0.3 & egg version < 3.0.210 simple commands and files uploader.json
client version v1 simple commands and files uploader.json

Using --no-upload

  • The insights-client --no-upload command performs a collection test run and saves the output to a local temporary directory, /var/tmp/ in the example below.

    # insights-client --no-upload
    Attempting to download collection rules from
    Successfully downloaded collection rules
    Attempting to download collection rules GPG signature from
    Successfully downloaded GPG signature
    Verifying GPG signature of Insights configuration
    Starting to collect Insights data
    See Insights data in /var/tmp/dJmbXS/insights-localhost-20151113145133.tar.gz

Excluding data from collection

Related Resources

Red Hat Insights Security - Data Collection & Controls

  1. core collection is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, and "simple commands and files" is no longer supported ↩︎

  2. core collection is enabled by default and can be disabled manually with "core_collect=False" in /etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf↩︎

  3. "uploader.v2.json/uploader.json" will still be available for downloading, but there will be no new updates no them after January 1st, 2025. ↩︎
