[Satellite 5.x] - Red Hat Satellite Proxy fails to cache large files

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite Proxy 5.6


  • Red Hat Satellite Proxy fails to cache large files
Error Downloading Packages:
  hugepackage-2.1.2-1.noarch: failed to retrieve getPackage/hugepackage-2.1.2-1.noarch.rpm from example
error was [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"


  • Make sure to apply the errata #RHBA-2014-1902.
  • Modify the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf and set the maximum file size parameter:
  # vim /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
      # size in bytes (2GB)
      max_mem_file_size = 2147483648 

  # rhn-proxy restart
  • Also note that this has nothing to do with the fact that squid is not currently caching the file. That is a completely unrelated configuration. To make it so that the Proxy can actually cache this file and not have to download it from Satellite every time then adjust maximum_object_size in /etc/squid/squid.conf.

Root Cause

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