How to call another business process definition in the same project in JBoss BPM Suite 6?

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  • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (BPMS) 6.x


  • Does a sub-process is reusable process? I mean can it be called/used by several business process?
  • Is there any guide to simply call a business process definition (BPD) from another BPD in the same project (same organization) in BPMS 6.0.3?
  • How to include one generic process into other processes?
  • How to include one business process into other business processes in JBoss BPM Suite 6?


  • A sub-process is a process within another process. When a parent process calls a child process (subprocess), the child process executes in a sequential manner and once complete, the execution control then transfers to the main parent process.

  • Sub-process can be created to modularize the entire business process or it can be created and used as sub-process as well. It completely depends on the behaviour/flow of particular business process. Sub-process are classified in various categories as per their usage. Please refers to BPM Suite 6.x - Development Guide - Subprocesses section for further details regarding each one of them.

  • Sub-process can be integrated and executed using various events (again depends on the behaviour of business process).

  • JBoss BPM Suite - User Guide provides descriptive information about events, sub-process and other BPMN components.

  • Attached simple demo application ( is created in JBDS which includes sample example of throw and catch event which is calling one process from the different one.

  • The other attachment ( contains some subprocess samples such as ad-hoc, embedded, re-usable and multiple instance to be used only as a guide.


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